Blindspot Season 1 Episode 18 Review: One Begets Technique

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There is no other way to say this: Blindspot Season 1 Episode 18 was one of the best episodes of any television show this season. Blindspot is already a very strong show and every episode has the potential to be a show stopper, but this episode, well it was just plain great.

The return of Rich Dotcom was the biggest catalyst for it being a success.

He is so funny and can read people like an open book. Him calling Jane and Weller out on their feelings was the best.

Dotcom brought the funny normally only supplied by Patterson. Seriously, can Dotcom just become a regular member of the team? If only he wasn't a criminal, he would be perfect.

A Dubious Order - Blindspot

It's shocking that the case of the week was more compelling and interesting than every other one, and this one didn't involve a tattoo. This show just keeps finding more and more original ways to make epic stories. This show started out about a woman covered in tattoos, but it has become so much more than that.

On Blindspot Season 1 Episode 17, we had a case about a tattoo that everyone thought had already been explained and then this week, the case didn't even involve a tattoo. Blindspot continues to push the envelope, and I'm not mad about it.

I could talk about the greatness and hilarity of Dotcom for another 1000 words, so I'll spare you. Let's get to the rundown about some of the other developments that happened.

  • The biggest shocker that literally left my jaw on my living room floor was Mayfair's supposedly dead ex, Sophia, appearing in Mayfair's freaking car. After Mayfair asked another girl out. What is happening?
  • Seriously, how is Sophia alive? Is she involved with Oscar's organization? Can she be trusted? She faked her own death, so something fishy is definitely going on.
  • Jane used the fake memories on Weller that Oscar gave her. Why is Jane all of sudden trusting Oscar? Does it have to do with the threat against Weller's life or the fact that Oscar and Jane are sleeping together now? I just don't get Jane's thinking at this point. Weller will never forgive her for lying.
  • There was a significant lacking of Patterson, and I'm not a fan of that. While Dotcom provided the comic relief, more Patterson is always a must for this show. The few scenes she was in were great.
  • The Weller and Jane hug towards the beginning was everything, and the sexual tension was at an all time high.
  • I, unfortunately, still have no interest in Weller's dad. Obviously, it's sad that he's dying, but I'm much more interested in the other agent's lives.
  • Sadly, but not actually that sad, Allie ended her relationship with Weller. She finally decided that she couldn't be his second choice since he is into Jane. This is apparently evident to everyone but Jane and Weller.
  • I have a horrible feeling that Weller and Jane will admit their feelings for each other and then that will immediately be followed by everyone finding out about Jane working with Oscar and the mysterious organization.

Did you enjoy this episode and Dotcom as much as I did? Anyone else super disappointed that Dotcom betrayed the team meaning that we may not see him again? Let me know your theories on when Weller and Jane will admit their true feelings for each other in the comments or on Twitter.

As always, if you need a refresher on anything that happened or a reminder on who Sophia is to Mayfair watch Blindspot online here.

One Begets Technique Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (44 Votes)

Kelly Thompson is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blindspot Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Well, first of all I don’t love this dynamic. Where’s, "Hello." Where’s, "Are you okay." Where’s, "Hey Rich those bruises make you look super tough."

Rich Dotcom

Jane Doe, wow that’s so punk.

Rich Dotcom