The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 22 Review: The Fermentation Bifurcation

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Who knew that a good game of Dungeons and Dragons was all Bernadette needed on a Saturday night?

On The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 22 most of the gang takes advantage of a free wine tasting, while Sheldon and Bernadette stay behind.

Leonard also has some mixed feelings about the invention he and the guys have been working on, thanks to a comment from Penny's ex-boyfriend.

The Wine Tasting - The Big Bang Theory

Mixing up the group dynamic always seems to work well, and Bernadette is pleasantly surprised by Sheldon's weird, but very thoughtful, plans for their evening together.

I mean seriously, he's done a lot of research. This sort of thing is right up Sheldon's alley.

But what makes it special is that it gives her a chance to just be Bernadette, rather than "pregnant Bernadette." I've been there too. Once everyone finds out you're pregnant, it's just about the only thing they want to talk about.

Sure, the attention can be nice, but so can a normal night of fun where the conversation is about something else entirely.

Okay, or a not so normal night of fun. But you get my point.

Bernadette's character also gets to shine a little through her excitement over the game, which is a lot of fun to watch.

She's grateful, and Sheldon says they can do it again any time. Well, almost.

That offer is only good until the third trimester. I can't risk getting amniotic fluid on my spot.


Meanwhile, the wine tasting brings up two serious issues. For Leonard, it's a concern about the fact that the invention he and the guys have been working on could potentially be used y the military one day.

He doesn't want it to become a weapon, but Penny's ex-boyfriend, Zack, points out in a pretty matter-of-fact way that it's something they need to be aware of. That get's at a very real concern about the uses of science and how the government could easily get involved in such a project.

The other issue, which isn't actually all THAT serious, is that Penny and Amy are in the very awkward position of trying to cover for Raj. Juggling two women is finally about to come back and bite him.

And that's too bad, because Claire really does seem pretty great.

Raj still has some growing up to do, though, and with any luck, he's going to learn his lesson and, therefore, become a little less insufferable.

One can only hope!

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The Fermentation Bifurcation Review

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 22 Quotes

Raj: I do enjoy the complexity of an aged pinot noir.
Leonard: I'm sure that would pair nicely with your fine nuggets of chicken.

Wine again? No, thank you. I like my grapes the old fashioned way. In a juice box.
