Mistresses Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Under Pressure

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The anger issues Joss has been secretly dealing with begin to come to light to everyone, even Joss herself, on Mistresses Season 4 Episode 3.

But it's Joss, so any problems that may be occurring are pushed to the background as she puts on her strong, together facade.

There's a fine line between self-empowerment and self-destruction.


Instead of listening to her doctor's advice to nurse her fractured rib before it breaks, Joss eventually heads back to fight club, as her anger issues become more prevalent during her every day interactions.

How long before she breaks? Her anger caused her to unleash herself upon a biker who accidentally rode in front of her car at a stoplight, almost causing her to hit him.

Little things like this are going to build until Joss breaks at the worst possible moment, and with all of the stress of being engaged, along with recovering from the events of last year, it's going to come quickly.

What makes matters even worse is the girls Joss trains with are helping her to hide her fighting and bruises from everyone in her life, so she can do this without worrying them or dealing with judgment.

She's hiding the pain she's actually in – physically and mentally – from everyone in her life. If Harry can't stop her from embracing this self-destructive behavior, who can?

What life-altering event is going to cause her to seek actual help and stop using just fight therapy to deal with her issues.

Meanwhile, Kate's naivety gets her in trouble as she tries, but fails, to embrace the LA dating scene.

Kiss a lot of frogs! Isn’t that the expression?


After three days, her belief that she's found "the one" on a dating app is utterly ridiculous. I mean, even Australians have to have some sort replica of the normal dating scene.

You're more than likely not going to meet your soul mate. You had a better chance with the five-cat man, Kate, I'm sorry to tell you.

The attractive ones are either weird or weirdly dirty. Just like you found out with "the one" who wanted to have a threesome with you and Joss, even after assuming you were sisters.

That's the normal, average guy that you're going to encounter.

It’s like going to a bar without leaving your house.


And while your new friends are going to try to help you find a new love, their advice means more than your expectations. Joss, especially, as well as Karen, has dealt with the strangest relationships and the real nature of romance.

Just ask Karen during her new fling with her manny. She has no boundaries when it comes to sex, which is partially why her character is so interesting.

Now, with being a mom and a mistress, her struggle to balance her roles is becoming outweighed by her desires. And having a paid employee tell her how to be a good mother is off-putting.

April's story still seems to be a mystery. She's managed to get herself a new job doing something she enjoys, but her relationship with Marc is still very strange and seems to be hanging by a thread.

Personally, if Marc and April broke up, I think it would further April's story and make her more compelling to watch.

She's mothering him and Lucy while trying to find herself, which is just tiresome to see. April needs to focus on herself for once, while only mothering one person: her child.

You can watch Mistresses online right here at TV Fanatic, and let us know how you're feeling about this season so far!

I'm missing the compelling steam that the show had in the past. Now that they're all settled in one way or another, the show has kind of lost focus. They are supposed to be mistresses after all.

Under Pressure Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Jay Ruymann was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He retired in January 2018.

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Mistresses Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

There's a fine line between self-empowerment and self-destruction.


I’d be delighted to drive all the way up to Malibu. After all, this is my store. Now, please, get out of my store.
