Preacher Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Monster Swamp

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It all starts with one.

Jesse might not be able to save all his congregation at once, but he makes one significant breakthrough on Preacher Season 1 Episode 3 that surprises everyone.

Odin Quincannon is not the type of guy you'd think would serve anyone other than himself. And, he certainly had no intention of "serving God" like Jesse wanted him to.

The only thing Quincannon wanted was the land Jesse offered him if he came to church. But, the most powerful man in Annville got a lot more when the entity took over, and Quincannon basically gave himself up to God.

It's going to be odd seeing how this story plays out. 

This is a guy who peed in the mayor's briefcase to let him know what he thought about a partnership with a soil sustainability company, and showed absolutely no emotion after a girl died in a sinkhole on his property.

You ladies, if you're goin' to be here at night, you need to watch where you're walkin'.


The same sicko guy who relaxes in his office listening to cows being slaughtered.

If Jesse can save this rotten soul, he can save anyone.

But questions remain. Why did the entity choose Jesse? Why hasn't Jesse blown up like the others? And why does the entity care so much about these people in Annville?

If Fiore and DeBlanc have their way, we'll never find out.

But, they 'ere putting their trust in a vampire, and we all know that's not going to bode well for these angels. I originally thought DeBlanc was the smart one, but I'm beginning to question that now.

Cassidy is going to protect his friend, and that's one of the things that makes him so great. He just met Jesse, and he's already so loyal. Sure, he'll lie about Jesse having vices that don't exist, but the real question is why are these angels so dumb?

Why don't they follow Cassidy? Why don't they try to talk to Jesse themselves?

Fiore is my favorite. DeBlanc just wants to use that bizarre coffee can and the thing's favorite song to take it home, whereas Fiore just wants to get the job done and cut it out of him with the chainsaw. Nothing like getting to the point of things.

I loved Fiore being influenced by the Big Ass Texas Burger commercial. How disappointed he was to find out he couldn't get one at the front desk, and his only alternative was Cheetos out of the vending machine.

That was one of the best moments out of this completely bizarre hour.

Tulip's uncontrollable anger finally allowed her to meet Cassidy. She was pretty fed up with how everything went with Lacey, the prostitute who fell into the sinkhole on Quincannon's property.

She couldn't believe the nonchalance at not only the way the girl died, but how she was brought out of the sinkhole. Like a cow after slaughter. Not surprising considering Quincannon was in charge of the recovery mission.

As an aside, that whole opening chase scene was great even if it did end rather gruesomely.

Tulip is not a God-fearing woman, scoffing at one of the other prostitute's eulogy for Lacey.

Lacey wasn't called to heven by fairies on a cloud. She was run down by a bunch of cavemen with pop guns and fell into a bottomless shit pit.


But the girl's just didn't get it and neither did the madame who just gave all the QM&P men a free hour of sex to diffuse the tension Tulip caused.

She was so fed up with Clive that she mistook Cassidy for Clive in one of the bedrooms (all she saw was ass, so how would she know?), and beat him up causing him to fall out the window. She felt so bad and was so worried Cassidy would die as they sped off to the hospital.

I loved the look on her face when she found him in the blood repository. And how slick was Cassidy to get her to kiss him? Cassidy. What a guy.

I can't remember if Cassidy knows about Tulip and Jesse, but I'm glad these two finally met.

One other note: the ending had a real Quentin Tarantino vibe to it, which I thought was great. That phone to heaven ringing and music that played worked so well.

What did you think of "Monster Swamp"? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and remember, you can watch Preacher online anytime, right here via TV Fanatic!

Monster Swamp Review

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Preacher Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

You ladies, if you're goin' to be here at night, you need to watch where you're walkin'.


Jesse: What were you smokin'?
Cassidy: Attic insulation, mostly.