Suits Round Table: Is Leonard's Fate Sealed?

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Will Rachel manage to get Jessica to help her find a way to save Leonard Bailey?

That's a huge question after Suits Season 6 Episode 6, but that isn't the only big topic we have have to discuss. 

Below, TV Fanatics Allison Nichols, Christine Hinton, Jasmine Blu and Stacy Glanzman discuss Leonard's fate, Kevin's past and Louis getting his girl.

What did you think of Kevin's reveal?

Allison: I liked the reveal a lot. It helped explain why Kevin hadn't turned on his father in law. Kevin may hate his father-in-law, but he would never do anything that would take his kids away from their mother.

Christine: It’s a good twist and made me, and Mike, feel empathy towards Kevin. Now Mike has to realize that if he somehow gets what he needs on the father-in-law, he may very well be sending the mother of two kids to prison too. I don’t think Mike can handle that kind of guilt.

Jasmine: I was impatiently waiting to get more information about Kevin, so I'm so glad we finally did. I liked it and I feel bad for the guy. I understand him better now. 

Stacy: I liked it too, and I'm also glad they didn't drag it out any longer. It'll definitely make Mike's job as an informant a lot harder. 

Will Mike try to act as a lawyer for him?

Allison: I think Mike will act like a lawyer for anyone, really. He likes to help people, and so if he can use some of his legal knowledge, he will. Mike genuinely likes Kevin, and so he's trying to get Kevin to help himself. This way Mike doesn't have to inform on him.

Christine: Yes. Mike has to convince Kevin that they can cut a deal and save his wife in the process. If he can’t, I think this whole thing falls apart.

Jasmine: Of course, it's in his nature. He can't not help Kevin now. It's nearly impossible for Mike to turn that part of himself off, even when it makes things more difficult and complicated. And it certainly is making all of this more difficult and complicated.

Stacy: Yes, Mike isn't going to just leave it alone. He'll try to convince Kevin to make a deal and get immunity for his wife. We'll see if Kevin goes for it. 

Will Jessica and Rachel find a way to save Leonard Bailey?

Allison: I think Jessica and Rachel will find a way. I'm getting tired of the "Rachel is the only one who actually cares" bit. She has to remind her professor and Jessica all that Leonard has lost because both of them apparently don't have a heart. It's getting annoying.

Christine: I don’t know. Realistically, this is a really tough fight, even if he is innocent. I don’t think that Jessica and the professor don’t care, I just think that once you’ve done this work for so long, if you took everything to heart you’d burn out fast.

Jasmine: If they air on the side of realism, I have my doubts, but the show has been know to pull off impossible feats. I don't think Jessica and the professor lack empathy. Part of the job comes with detaching a bit for your own peace of mind and mental well being. Plus, Jessica has a lot on her plate trying to do whatever she can to keep the firm afloat.

Stacy: I hope so. I'd like to see the two of them get a win out of this. If not, Rachel will be dejected, and back to constantly worrying about Mike, and the firm won't get the publicity of winning the pro-bono. 

Even though Louis went too far, are you glad he has a love interest?

Allison: I can't get over the creepy factor. Sorry, it's not romantic to me. It's creepy. I don't care about this relationship.

Christine: I’m just thrilled to see Louis finally happy. I have no idea where this relationship is going but I am curious to find out.

Jasmine: It's great that he has someone but it was still really creepy. I cringed a few times during this, um, courtship? He deserves happiness, but it feels ill-placed. Was the extent of his helping with the firm just financial? I would rather Louis be integral to larger plots. Same with Donna. They're just off on their own, barely pulling off being the comedic relief, with cartoonish creepiness and rudimentary "dude-bro" jokes. Neither are hitting the mark for me.

Stacy: I mean, I guess I can kind of see how she found it romantic, but that definitely would have turned me off. Going to such great lengths and calling a girl you barely know perfect puts a lot of pressure on a brand new relationship. But, if she's not put off, then sure, I'm happy for Louis. 

Do you want Sutter to be sent down for his crimes?

Allison: I definitely think that Cahill, Harvey, and Mike can take down Sutter. Hopefully, Kevin will be a willing participant in taking down Sutter. I have to say I'm really enjoying seeing Cahill and Harvey working together. Their dynamic has been a lot of fun.

Christine: I hope it happens by the season finale, but I’ll be shocked if there aren’t casualties along the way. Like Allison, I’m loving Harvey and Cahill working together. They were good as rivals but they’re even more entertaining as uneasy allies.

Jasmine: I fully expect a Sutter takedown by the season finale. Good riddance! I agree with the others. I am loving the frenemies dynamic between Harvey and Cahill. I'm always a fan of "enemies" begrudgingly coming together to take down a shared enemy.

Stacy: I agree, he'll be brought down by the season finale. I also love Harvey and Cahill working together, and suspect Kevin will end up helping eventually as well. 

Remember you can watch Suits online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the drama now!

Suits Season 6 Episode 7 airs Wednesday August 24 on USA Network at 9/8C

Here's your first look at the episode:

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Suits Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

I just thought showing Tara your wood wasn't the only way to show her what kind of man you are.


Louis: Donna, I need you to help me feel my wood.
Donna: Oh, dear God.

  • Permalink: dear God.
  • Added: