Supergirl Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Welcome to Earth

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The president is in the house!

Lynda Carter made a guest appearance on Supergirl Season 2 Episode 3 as the POTUS, and Kara's reaction could not have been more adorable. 

How great was it to see a superhero – who can fly – get so giddy over Air Force One? 

Rally - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 3

With the election looming, Supergirl took on its own political debate in the form of alien rights. Of course, when they say alien, they actually mean from another planet, but the sentiment is still very relatable.

It wasn't a surprise to see Kara and J'onn on opposite sides, but it was interesting to watch both of them start to see the other side. 

Kara: What about you and me?
J'onn: What about us? We can look like them. We blend in. A lot of aliens can't. People in this world don't have much tolerance for others that look different. I say that as an alien and someone who's worn the face of a black man for 15 years.

Kara doesn't just look human to blend in, she actually looks human all the time. Yes, she hides behind a secret identity, but even as Supergirl she still looks human. J'onn on the other hand, is not comfortable in his own skin. 

Were you surprised when the president was revealed to be an alien? I wasn't really expecting that, and it leads me to believe this is not the last we've seen of Lynda Carter. She must have a hidden agenda, but we may have to wait awhile to find out what it is. 

I'm not loving James as the boss man, but I liked that he stood up to Snapper. Cat would never let anyone hijack her meeting, and that scene had me wishing we could have seen him try some time. I know a bigger story is coming for James, but for now he's kind of just there. 

He's not a love interest anymore, and he's not her mentor. He's not really even a part of Team Supergirl anymore. Hopefully his story line is coming soon, because as much as I like James, he's got nothing to do at the moment. 

Maggie: I thought the Secret Service would pay closer attention to detail.
Alex: We have technology that makes your city PD lab look like an Easy Bake Oven.

Maggie Sawyer's debut was fantastic. We cannot have enough bad-ass women on this show, and she definitely fits the bill. Also, her chemistry with Alex was off the charts. It's only a matter of time until these two hook up, right? 

The way Alex was watching Maggie as she walked out of the DEO made it pretty clear she was interested. 

Regardless of whether or not they actually get together, they made a great team, and Alex needs someone to interact with outside of Kara. I like this relationship, platonic or otherwise (though, come on, it's totally going to be otherwise). 

I loved the three of them taking down the fire alien girl, especially Maggie getting the final blow. 

Was it just me though, or did those ropes not look very tight? It kind of looked like they were just loosely wrapped around her arms and she was holding the center. I am guessing the reason the camera panned away as Alex went to "untie" her was because she was just going to lift them off. 

We finally have some information on the alien in the pod. We already knew his name was Mon-El, but now we know he's not actually Kryptonian. He and Kara are from opposite sides of the tracks, but their common ground (AKA alien refugees on Earth) will bring them closer together. 

Maybe he will be a new love interest, but since she literally just put the kibosh on James, I hope they don't try to jump into that too soon. 

For now I think he can make a good friend and ally to the DEO, but I'm sure there's more to his story than has been revealed so far. 

No mention of Cadmus this week, which is fine. Not all of the weekly villains have to be from there. I'm sure they will continue to pop up randomly throughout the season. 

We did get the return of Lena and her new technology, and as a result we got to see Reporter Kara in action. Where do you guys stand on Lena on the good vs evil scale? 

She claimed she wanted to bring Lex back to the good side. Do you trust her? I want to. 

I can't end this review without mentioning J'onn and the lady Green Martian. I can't wait to see where that goes. 

What did you guys think of our first episode sans Cat? Did you miss her as much as you thought you would? 

Don't forget, you can always watch Supergirl online

Welcome to Earth Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Supergirl Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Kara: What about you and me?
J'onn: What about us? We can look like them. We blend in. A lot of aliens can't. People in this world don't have much tolerance for others that look different. I say that as an alien and someone who's worn the face of a black man for 15 years.

Maggie: I thought the Secret Service would pay closer attention to detail.
Alex: We have technology that makes your city PD lab look like an Easy Bake Oven.