The Last Man on Earth Season 3 Episode 5 Review: The Power of Power

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Central air-conditioning. An ice maker. Toilet's that flush.

These are just a few of the luxuries the group stumbles upon on The Last Man on Earth Season 3 Episode 5.

Unfortunately, everything else isn't so great as Gail breaks up with Todd, Tandy and Lewis are at odds again and one person doesn't want to live in an office building.

A New Home - The Last Man on Earth

The episode opens up with the group walking through the building in stunned silence. I loved the music that played in the background like they were exploring some brave, new world.

Of course Phil was ecstatic when he found the frozen pizza, as was Todd. It was like the bacon situation all over again.

Frozen pizza! Frozen frozen pizza!

Tandy Miller

I can absolutely see myself signing the frozen pizza song in the future. Before they can enjoy it, however, the power goes out.

Tandy and Carol shared a candlelight dinner as only they can -- with an extra long table inspired by Citizen Kane, bull horns and a bumper car. I loved when Tandy "passed the salt" via the bumper car.

Things got weirder as a sculpture almost knocks out Carol. That, combined with the power failure, have Tandy wondering if someone is trying to sabotage the building.

These suspicions led to an investigation and I'm always happy to see Tandy's investigative skills. He confronted Lewis numerous times during the episode. I actually cringed when he stuck his head under the bathroom stall.

Sometimes Tandy's just a little too much for me. Like when he shared his soap with Todd? The lathering went on about five seconds too long.

On the other hand, I did like that we saw a glimpse of the old Melissa tonight, albeit a very fleeting glimpse.

Melissa and Todd's relationship was sweet in the beginning. It got weird when Gail joined in but it was always obvious that they truly cared for each other. These last few weeks we've seen a lot of paranoia and violence from Melissa, not much love, so it was nice that she comforted Todd after Gail broke up with him.

I'm sorry you're sad. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you. You're the only thing that matters to me in this world and I'm here for you.


I still haven't grown tired of the bit with Tandy's eyebrows. When the water shuts off as he's showering, I love that he took the time to grab them before rushing off to accuse Lewis.

I was surprised the culprit ended up being Carol. Turns out, she doesn't want to raise her kids in a commercial office building. Who can blame her?

Tandy -- who is at his best as Carol's husband -- sweetly constructs a house for her inside the building, complete with grass and a white picket fence.

In the last scene we saw the return of crazy Melissa who is walking around in a bra because she burned all of her shirts. Why you ask? Oh she doesn't know. I know she's been repressing her feelings about murdering someone but this was just bizarre. Are we supposed to believe she's actually losing it?

Oh and by the way, she also tells Todd she's ready to have a baby with him! I had the same reaction as him -- confusion, shock, concern.

What did you think about the group having power again? Do you think they will continue living in the office building? What's in Seattle and why does Tandy want Lewis to accompany him there?

Remember, if you would like to watch this episode again or catch up on previous seasons you can always watch The Last Man on Earth online via TV Fanatic.

The Power of Power Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (16 Votes)

Tiffany Staton is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Last Man on Earth Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Frozen pizza! Frozen frozen pizza!

Tandy Miller

Love can be a category five suck-icane.

Tandy Miller