The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 2 Review: The Buddha Bentley Birthday

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Another birthday party, another dance floor filled with passive aggressive remarks.

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 2, it's Dorit's 40th birthday, and Lisa Vanderpump continues to debate her friendships with Lisa Rinna and Eileen.

New Dancers - The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Nothing says #relatable like talking about how you tried to preorder hamburgers and hotdogs after a Studio 54 themed party in the Lamborghini you share with your husband, right Kyle Richards?

Lisa Rinna is always a good post-party recap buddy, and she seems to be ready to bury the hatchet with Lisa Vanderpump. And interested in befriending Dorit (even though her autocorrect isn't).

I went to put her name in my phone and it came out Doritos.

Lisa Rinna

I love Vanderpump, but there is no way that she didn't warn Dorit about Rinna and Eileen. She probably even warned her about Jax Taylor.

I think animals are more loyal than people.

Lisa Vanderpump

It's Dorit's 40th birthday, and she is worried about her husband buying her a tiffany blue colored car. He went with "rose-tinted gold," but it's looks more like the color of a bad spray tan, and the blue might have been a better choice.

Eileen is celebrating the Young and the Restless 11,000 episode, but I'm celebrating the fact that Eileen finally made her hair one color. Lowlight gate may finally be over.

If I could write my own story-arc, I want to do an Erika Jayne story with Ashley Abbott going off across the country and performing at gay clubs.


Speaking of Erika Jayne, she is picking out dancers for her 10th music video and breaks them into groups by hair color. I would dye my hair any color to have the chance to dance (or even stand in a room) with queen Erika Jayne.

Erika explains the best dancers are with Rihanna or Katy Perry and it can be hard to book them. Maybe Taylor Swift will write Bad Blood 2.0 about Erika Jayne stealing her backup dancers next.

Rinna continues to try to make her daughters the next Gigi and Bella Hadid over less than a handful of zucchini noodles. Stars they're just like us.

On that note, there are golf carts driving the guests at Dorit's birthday party up the driveway. 

The vibe at the party is fairly awkward, and Rinna is desperately trying to get back into Vanderpump's good graces by repeatedly complimenting her. (Throwback to her spin class with Kyle earlier in the episode when she said she wasn't desperate to do anything anymore).

I gave them the power to hurt me and I've taken it back.

Lisa Vanderpump

Rinna and Eileen should just chip in and buy Vanderpump a swan if they want to be her friend again.

Lisa Vanderpump swan

For a split second (God bless those Bravo editors), it looked like Vanderpump said I'm sorry to Eileen about bringing up her affair in the Hamptons last season. In reality, she just said sorry that her mom died.

Hell would freeze over before I will apologize to Eileen Davidson again.

Lisa Vanderpump

Erika Jayne showed up in a Moschino t-shirt dress at the party and (shocker!) looks better than everybody else.

She also brought Dorit a Chanel makeup bag, even though they just met the night before. Imagine if she was invited to do white elephant at your Christmas party.

It wouldn't be a birthday party without Vanderpump making a "joke" that insults a fellow housewife.

This time it's that Eileen's husband has his head up someone's skirt when Eileen asks if she's seen him.

Of course this is after a conversation and confessional about how British humor and American humor differ. 

At the end of the party, Rinna seems to be back in Vanderpump's good graces, but Eileen would still be stuck sleeping with the mini horses if she visited Villa Rosa.

Missed tonight's episode or the premiere of season 7? Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online.

The Buddha Bentley Birthday Review

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Sarah Hearon is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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