Preacher Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Mumbai Sky Tower

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The Saint of Killers will not give up.

On Preacher Season 2 Episode 2, the Saint of Killers showed Jesse just how powerful he is, but Cassidy comes up with a plan that may help them elude the dark cowboy.

Fiore - Preacher Season 2 Episode 2

It looked like Jesse was a goner, but luck was on his side. At least for a little while.

The team was able to escape for quite some time before the Saint of Killers came back around again, but by that time the Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy were on their way to New Orleans.

It's unclear why Fiore has such a hatred for Genesis, but he wants it dead even after he made a deal with Cassidy to call of the Saint of Killers.

Bad Fiore.

Or maybe it's poor Fiore. He's still distraught over DeBlanc's death and tried every which way to kill himself, but it didn't work. He just kept coming back.

His stint as the Amazing Ganesh was great. It gave him purpose but still didn't make him happy.

Maybe if Cassidy hadn't left him, he might not have told SoK to continue his hunt for Genesis.

Hot Tub Time - Preacher Season 2 Episode 2

Fiore was having a grand time doing speedballs and other crazy stuff with Cassidy for those couple of hour. Did they sleep together? I think they did. If not they came awfully close. 

Cassidy was willing to do anything to get Fiore to call off the SoK, and he almost succeeded, but Fiore was crushed when Cassidy left.

Besides, he blames Genesis for everything that happened. Had Genesis not escaped, he'd still be in heaven with DeBlanc living his angelic life the way he wanted.

Besides, it would have been too easy if the Saint of Killers was called off. Who'd be the big bad then?

There was a moment when I thought that the SoK was just going to kill Fiore and tell him he was going to kill Genesis anyway, with or without permission. So, it was a bit of a surprise that Fiore told him the contract was still on.

And now that Fiore really is dead, there's no one to keep the Saint of Killers off Jesse trail. Jesse is in a whole heap of trouble.

The only person (or being) that might be able to stop SoK is God, but what are the chances that the team will find him in New Orleans?

Saint of Killers Returns - Preacher Season 2 Episode 2

If they can't locate the Good Lord, at least they'll be able to enjoy some good food and music before they have to take off again.

Maybe they can sedate the SoK with some good crawfish. Or better yet a plateful of beignets!

The Saint of Killers isn't the only trouble following the gang. Tulip's got Victor to worry about (whoever that is). Could it be a husband?

It seemed a little strange that she called off the wedding to Jesse after she kicked Gary's ass.

I love that Tulip can whoop ass when she needs to no matter how big her opponent may be. Once she gets the upper hand, WATCH OUT!

Jesse on the Watch - Preacher Season 2 Episode 2

It's unfortunate that Cassidy was there to witness at least part of what happened. How many secrets can Cassidy really keep? And why does Tulip want it kept secret from Jesse?

It was an eventful hour, but the team didn't accomplish their goal even though they thought they did.

The best scenes were with Fiore and Cassidy. A vampire and an angel having a pillow fight and some nookie time. How crazy is that?

What did you think of "Mumbai Sky Tower"? What is the deal with Tulip and Victor? Will Cassidy be able to keep another secret? 

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Preacher online right here via TV Fanatic!

Mumbai Sky Tower Review

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