Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Let's Pretend We're Strangers

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After an intense battle with the Gooverly and Goononna demon, Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 5 ended with the biggest surprise in its short history.

Our favorite gunslinger is pregnant.

Yep, it's true, and boy, what a shocker!

No more donuts and whiskey, that's for sure.

It's going to be challenging for the team, but Wynonna is strong, and the team will support her all the way.

She'll be able to get through it. It's just going to be tricky battling demons and monsters while she's pregnant.

And she's still going to battle demons and monsters, right? She has no choice if she wants to break the curse.

Now that Black Badge is gone, she has more freedom to get done what she needs to get done.

Let's not forget about Doc. I guess that it's his baby. He's going to be shocked, but Doc is a good guy and will be very supportive of Wynonna.

It won't surprise me if he asks her to marry him. We sometimes forget that he's from a different era, and they have different rules.

How long would Wynonna have kept her pregnancy a secret if the demon didn't tell Waverly about it? We can only imagine how long before Wynonna would have shared the news.

Does anyone think the demon could have altered the baby in any way when it was inside Wynonna? It's something to consider.

The other issue is whether or not Wynonna will keep the baby. Doc will want her to because he's old-fashioned, but having a baby doesn't quite fit into the Earp lifestyle right now.

She's going to have a lot of thinking and many choices to make as time progresses. 

Wynonna's pregnancy wasn't the only shocker. Lucado died in the most gruesome of ways after touching the goo. She couldn't handle the demon invasion, and her head just exploded.

I hate to say it, but I'm glad for it. She was a worthless character who wasn't adding much to the story. All she did was get in the way.

The show needs to streamline itself because it seems to be all over the place. It's not focusing on what it should, which is getting rid of the monsters and demons to break the curse.

Remember? That was the goal at the beginning of the Wynonna Earp Season 2 and then things started getting wonky. But now that Dolls is back, maybe the show can refocus.

I wasn't too thrilled with the Gooverly and Goononna demon, but it did serve a purpose, and Gooverly was a lot of fun. Still, I'm glad it's over now.

Will Jeremy stick around now that Black Badge is gone? He hasn't been doing much lately, so maybe he'll just ride off into the sunset.

I know a lot of people like him, but he's not serving much of a purpose, and do we really need a crime scene analyst, anyway?

Sure, he signed in blood, but with Black Badge gone, is that contract even valid anymore? Why did Black Badge leave anyway? It makes no sense.

The Order is a little odd, but it could prove useful to Wynonna's goal of breaking the curse. The more, the merrier. The sooner they get rid of all the demons, the sooner the curse will be gone.

But what about that plate? And Juan Carlo?  It's all a little confusing. 

Let's not forget about the ghosts inhabiting Mercedes and her sister. How will they figure into everything? They obviously have a plan, but what is it and when will we be privy to it?

Plenty is happening in Wynonna's world right now. Let's hope she can keep it together.

What did you think of "Let's Pretend We're Strangers"? Will Wynonna keep the baby? What will Doc think? Hit the comments and share your thoughts.

If you need to catch up, you can watch Wynonna Earp online right here via TV Fanatic!

Let's Pretend We're Strangers Review

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Wynonna Earp Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Pitter patter. Can't let the trail go cold.


Wynonna: You could show the teensiest bit of excitement.
Waverly: We're not really smoothie people.