Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4 Episode 2 Review: Rule #10: Just Survive

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A lot is going on with the ladies, and they're all at different stages in their lives again.

Abby's meddling ranged from comical to destructive on Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4 Episode 2, while Phoebe realized she'd made a huge mistake in her life.

Delia and Jo also had realizations, and they involved Albert.

The Next Level - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

Delia has had interesting stories for so long that it's hard to get behind the fact I find nothing of interest regarding what's going on with her pro-bono work or the new man in her life.

We haven't been given much to go on when it comes to her cases, so they aren't all that fascinating.

It can be done because she's effectively doing exactly what Mike does on Suits. Mike is working with a smaller firm and putting the weight of Pearson Specter Litt behind the cases, so they are sure to have more of a chance to win.

Here, though, it feels like they're brushing over both the cases and the people involved with the firm.

How well are we supposed to know Paul? Maybe I've not been paying enough attention, but when the two of them fell into each other's arms for a kiss, I didn't see it coming. They have been work flirting for sure, but there was nothing to indicate they'd moved beyond that.

Getting Closer - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4 Episode 2

The involvement should fan the flames of her discovery Albert was coming back from the same place where Jo spent the weekend, though.

Jo and Albert make so much more sense than Delia and Albert ever did. Delia outclassed Albert in every way. That's not to say Jo is less than Delia; they're just different. Albert's interests are more of a match for Jo, and their chemistry has spilled over during their time together.

Neither of them should have to compromise to live in the other's world. That's something Albert did with his wife and would have had to do to be with Delia. It's not something anyone should ever do to be in a successful relationship.

Delia will likely still be a bit stunned when she comes face to face with Jo and Albert, but the two are different together and were not in any way striking up something behind their friend's back.

They deserve their chance to see if things will work out. I'm still not over Jo's dumping Scott so unceremoniously, so I need her to find lasting happiness. She needs to understand she's as deserving of something great as everyone else. 

Contemplating a Change - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4 Episode 2

Phoebe blew it with JD, too. She has long been a difficult one to understand, but the way she went to see him, fell into bed and turned the conversation around to Gemma was a disaster.

If ever there was a person who could benefit from some intensive therapy, it could be Phoebe. But, as I know from people who have tried therapy in my life, if she picks the wrong therapist or isn't willing to be honest with the therapist, then it's not worth going.

I made a huge mistake. I thought I wanted to be more like you, but I already am. You surround yourself with bullshit, and if I don't stop, I'm going to end up alone. Like you.


Girl crushes are a thing. Women see other women and want to emulate them. It happens. But why would Phoebe want to be like Gemma? At the time they met, Phoebe was in the midst of a run of bad luck in her professional life. She was, however, lucky in love for possibly the first time in her life.

It's hard to justify her desire to be like Gemma when Gemma was never a good person. She was a party girl and a user from the start.

Phoebe's real friends, though, were equally as fun and inside beautiful people. Phoebe's qualifications for who she would like to emulate are terrible. 

JD made the right decision letting Phoebe go. Sadly, he still loves her very much. It's because of that he likely let her go. She would be his downfall. The woman who brought him out of his shell and into society would be bad for him in the long run because he'd allow her love to manipulate him.

It's a sad end to what started as a beautiful love story.

One of the Faces - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4 Episode 2

Abby and her meddling first made her look like an absolute nut of a mother. Walking in on Lilly threw her for a loop.

Lilly saying they were only doing "other stuff" didn't help matters, but it gave Abby the opportunity to grab the reins, talk to her girl and take her to the gynecologist. OMG. Wasn't that one of the most painful scenes Abby has ever had?

Their relationship is such that when Lilly DID have sex, she shared her thoughts with her mom, and Abby told her some lovely things. She should be happy she might love Ethan too much because sex without love is different. She's lucky her first time was beautiful. If she gets hurt, so be it.

Better to be hurt and try again than never have cared enough in the first place. 

Abby could have blown it at the doctor's appointment, though, because she was also meddling in the Lady Parts TV appearance Barbara was making. 

Barbara wound up so darn nervous about how her face looked on camera she couldn't even be herself. From someone who watches her big, giant smile weekly, it's all good. 

And it's not something Barbara might not have seen in recorded footage and wanted to change herself after seeing it. Coaching minutes before going on air was the worst idea. Sometimes Abby doesn't think straight.

And to tell Will it's things like that that make her think she has to do everything on her own was cruel. That was on her.

What's going on with Will, anyway? The sex may be good, but Abby is clearly not pleased to be going through with it. What am I missing about our girl? Is she going through a thing?

By the way...I'd love to know how one celebrity tweet generates so much love for a website that they can afford an office. I need more of this fantasy in my real life. Gimme!!

OK guys and gals, if you're behind, watch Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce online to catch up with the group. What's your favorite storyline of the moment? I'm totally on board with Jo and Albert. I cannot get enough!!

Hit the comments. Mwah!

Rule #10: Just Survive Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Hey, sex with an ex can be fun. They know how to work the machinery, you know what I mean?


I think dick shopping is stretching the meaning of cultural attache.
