Zoo Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Oz is Oz

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Despite the lingering which could have pointed some of you directly to the identity of Charles Duncan, that was a pretty decent reveal.

Overall, Zoo Season 3 Episode 6 tied up a lot of loose ends, even if it might have done so with questionable science and roads that either circled around or appeared to jump off and pick up out of nowhere.

Who cares about the details anyway?

The Origins of Hybrids - Zoo

To be honest, I have nothing wise to impart about this one (or any of them?). It's just good fun.

For that, I hope you forgive me.

An example of that is my excitement that Jackson's talking to the animals. Something just clicks. Oh, I kill myself. He has no idea what it is or how he's doing it, but it is a relationship that comes in handy.

Tessa has lost any fear she had for Jackson, and even feels sorry for the guy. Admirably, she didn't fight him on his desire she make a break for freedom when the plane next landed. Jackson thinks he's living with a tainted bloodline, and after what we witnessed during "Oz is Oz," it's hard to disagree with him.

There's an entire sleeve missing from Abigail's box of saltines, that's for sure. Was she like the idiot savant Robert had to keep hidden from the rest of the family so as not to embarrass anyone? Blue Diaspora was an animal/human hybrid experiment that fell apart.

Unless you're Abigail, and you create mini monkey versions of yourself.

I Am Abendagos! - Zoo Season 3 Episode 6

Proving Abigail might have been two sleeves short of a full box of saltines, instead of treating her little moppet as a direct descendant of herself, she kept him in a cage like a monkey or a hamster. Socialization much?

Like Robert said, he was kind of cute. He probably would have grown up to be even cuter and a bit more sedate if not kept caged.

Robert believed Mitch to be a scientific equal or better to Abigail. What he didn't know was that (at least once upon a time), he wasn't the best dad.

Superhero and Supervillain? - Zoo Season 3 Episode 6

Mitch has become very good at rescuing his daughter and caring for people physically.

He's still quite new at the relationship thing on the emotional level, though.

Still, the conversations between Mitch and Clementine after she was relieved of her slavery duties were quite good.

Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me - Zoo Season 3 Episode 6

Clem: My baby and I will have a normal life.
Mitch: You and I both know that's not possible. That baby will be the opposite of normal because it's the most important thing that's happened in an awfully long time.

I felt bad for Clem for being such a ditz she was unwilling to see how abnormal her child would be in this new world no matter how hard she tried to raise it any other way. 

Even if you take away the medical facts and the scientific importance of being the only baby born to a mother in the past decade, the baby is the only one born in the past decade! There are NO OTHER CHILDREN.

What child has ever had a normal upbringing in total isolation from other children? There is so much sadness ahead for her child it's terrible to even consider it at this point. We can only hope it's about as singular as The Last Man on Earth on Fox.

Abigail killed the Reiden lady, and I don't really care. It matters only because the children were initially missing from Reiden, and she had help committing the crime.

That Charles Duncan fellow aka Mitch.

Ahhhh Jacksonnnn! - Zoo Season 3 Episode 6

Abigail was screaming Jackson's name as her father was being killed by the treatment saving her brother and then the other stuff I don't remember happened leaving Mitch bloody on the floor and Abigail scooped him up and put him into stasis.

How Mitch lost his memory is anyone's guess, but along the way, he dabbled in Blue Diasphora and created hybrids as a way for Abigail to get back at daddy and Jackson for...I have no idea. Because she was the hidden child, unwanted and not worthy of sacrifice.

There are Six - Zoo Season 3 Episode 6

I didn't understand a single word Abe was trying to get across when he told Jackson he thought there were six hybrids out there. My assessment was he chose six because there was enough space on the screen for six.

Abe seemed to think it had to do with the red genetic markers to which he was pointing. Hey, you can believe whichever of us you like.

All I know is Mitch didn't do a very good job bringing up Abendagos. The young manbrid is wild and without much verbal capacity, let alone a host of good manners. Abigail and Mitch? No more breeding, manbrids, hybrids or children.

What does any of it mean? Who knows? 

What I do know is it's going to get even more fun as the season progresses. 

Thoughts? Why are you guys always so quiet? It's summer for goodness sakes. Let your hair down.

Wait, it's hot out. Put your hair up!

Then watch Zoo online for another kick in the pants.

Oz is Oz Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Zoo Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

So you're pregnant, huh? That's cool.


Jackson. He chose Jackson.
