Suits Round Table: A New Beginning?

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Did the 100th episode of Suits live up to the hype?

On Suits Season 7 Episode 8, the gang went to war with Roger while some of the characters got offered sex with blasts from the past.

TV Fanatics Stacy Glanzman, Christine Orlando, and Jasmine Bleu discuss the big win, the blasts from the past, and so much more. 

What did you think of the group winning against Roger?

Stacy: It was awesome! We knew they'd find a way to take him down and get Alex out of his sticky situation at the same time, and I loved that they brought Robert into the mix. I thought it was a very satisfying conclusion to the story line, even if Roger deserved far worse. 

Christine: I was happy with the win, but what I didn’t like was Rachel’s plan to use those photos to make it look like her father was doing something wrong. That was a horrible thing to do to anyone, but especially her own father. 

Jasmine: I agreed with the others. I loved that they found a way to get Alex out of such a crappy situation, but I hate that Rachel used her father that way.

A Truce? - Suits Season 7 Episode 8

Did the Sheila Louis hookup come out of nowhere?

Stacy: Yeah, it really did, and the last thing we need is for Louis to get hurt again. He was a complete mess after Tara, who let's not forget was also seeing someone else when they got together. Louis needs to find a woman who's actually available. 

Christine: Yeah, it came out of nowhere, and I wasn’t happy with it. It’s one thing if she were available, but she’s about to get married to someone else, so as far as long-term story, what’s the point other than to have Louis get his heart broken yet again?

Jasmine: Yes. I adore Rachael Harris, so I didn't mind seeing her again, but I detested this storyline. As the others said, Louis will probably end up being heartbroken again. What's the point? For the life of me, I don't understand why this man can't be happy.

Comfort Zone - Suits

Is the prison storyline really over?

Stacy: I think so. With Gallo dead, it feels like a finality. Of course, it's always possible they'll find some way to dive back into it, but I hope not. It's time to let it go. 

Christine: It feels like it should be over, with them taking Roger down and Mike making amends with Gallo’s daughter. That felt like they were wrapping this up, but I could be wrong.

Jasmine: It appears to be over. Gallo was a despicable human being, yet I actually felt so bad when he was killed in prison. What better way to celebrate a milestone like a 100th episode than by wrapping up a storyline for good?

My Way - Suits Season 7 Episode 8

What did you think of Donna's storyline with Mark?

Stacy: He really should have told her over the phone that he was married before agreeing to meet for lunch. Meeting her and dragging her into his unhappy marriage was wrong and selfish. 

I'm glad she didn't go through with it. I hope we don't see him again. 

Christine: I couldn’t believe Donna went so far as to get to his hotel room door. Mark was being a selfish ass, and as a rule, I firmly believe that if he cheats on someone else with you, he’ll eventually cheat on you with someone else. Donna is more than smart enough to know that, too.

Jasmine: I enjoyed Mark until he told her he was married. He really should have told her that over the phone. It was incredibly selfish and a host of other things.

I agree with Christine that at most the person so willing to cheat will do it to you too, or at least you'll always be paranoid that they'll cheat on you even if they don't. 

I get that Donna and Harvey are supposed to be endgame, possibly. What I don't like is that Donna can't ever have a halfway decent relationship with anyone else while she's waiting on Harvey. He gets to have them. Darby was a murderer, and Mark is a sleazeball. 

What Do We Have To Do? - Suits Season 7 Episode 8

Is there anyone you wanted to return that did not?

Stacy: I'm surprised Jessica didn't, but she's been a bigger part of the season already than I expected, so it wouldn't have felt like a big return anyway. I'm glad Gretchen was back, and it was great seeing Robert return to help with their case. 

Christine: I wasn’t really expecting any big returns, especially since we’ve already seen Jessica on multiple occasions, so I wasn’t missing anyone. 

Jasmine: I can watch an entire episode with Jessica and still miss her when it's over. I wanted her to appear again, but I wasn't surprised or disappointed because she appeared multiple times this season. I was perfectly content with Robert and Gretchen.

Over to you, Suits Fanatics. What did you think of the episode?

Remember you can watch Suits online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Suits airs Wednesdays on USA Network.

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Suits Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

Assistant: You can't go in there.
Harvey: Try and stop me. You son of a bitch. You murdered Frank Gallo.
Roger: Ashley, I'll handle this. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Harvey: Bullshit. You said if I couldn't stop him from testifying you'd find someone who could.
Roger: I meant I'd get Thomas Bratten involved. I didn't mean I'd kill a man and you did stop Gallo from testifying so why would it matter?
Harvey: Because you wanted to make sure that Robet Zane didn't reverse it, so you had him murdered.

Roger: What the hell is going on here?
Robert: I'll tell you what's going on, I got something for you to see ... and it's not on Netflix.