Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Dancing in September

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Who knew Avery could be so much fun?!

Agent Palmer may have returned, but Captain Avery stole the show on Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 2 when Deputy Chief Santos arrived, and he decided to take to the field with Riggs and Murtaugh.

I wasn't sure what the addition of Deputy Chief Santos was going to mean for Captain Avery or the rest of the team, but all I've got to say is more please!

Lottafish Innasea - Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 2

Having Avery out on the field added a new dimension of fun to a show that was already bursting at the seams. Being kicked out of his office loosened the reins and allowed the character to breathe. 

He finally got to see first hand what makes Riggs and Murtaugh tick. And while he was by their side throughout much of the episode, he didn't detract from the Riggs and Murtaugh bromance. He was no third wheel.

Deputy Chief Santos didn't turn out to be a hardass bitch like she could have been.  There's no doubt she will be causing her own brand of trouble when it comes to Murtaugh, but she wasn't overbearing and didn't try to suffocate any of the team.

She slid right in like she's always belonged there.

I'm looking forward to seeing just how much havoc she's going to unleash on Murtaugh. That finger linger at the end of the hour made it very clear Santos has got more than business on her mind when it comes to Roger. 

Trish looks Adorable - Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 2

We already know there's going to be trouble ahead for Murtaughs, and Santos will probably have something to do with it. I can't imagine that Trish is going to sit by and let her man get finger-lingered by anyone, boss or not.

Trish and Roger have one of the strongest and healthiest marriages on television, so no matter what type of wrench Santos may throw their way, they will survive. You can count on that.

This hour also found Trish and Roger going through the difficult task of sending RJ off to college. RJ had second thoughts about staying on campus and tried to convince Roger to let him stay at home instead especially since the college he was attending was only 45 minutes away.

Trish stepped in just in time, and I loved how she shared her own experiences to let RJ know that everything would be okay.

It's difficult letting your child go and be a grown up, but she did it with grace and strength even though she herself had second thoughts when the time actually came to cut the cord. RJ will survive and so will Trish and Roger. 

What is Riggs Doing Now? - Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 2

With all the change happening elsewhere, it's no surprise that Riggs went through his own change as well. The cloud of Miranda's death has lifted and now Riggs thinks he's a normal guy, but we all know that's not case. Riggs is anything but normal.

Still, his change in attitude was a clever way of refreshing the character. It's a new beginning for Riggs, but he's finding it difficult to focus his energy. He dives all in on the case of the hour which eventually brings him back in contact with Agent Palmer.

I'm not a huge #TeamPalmer fan, but there's no denying that Riggs has got some strong feelings for the DEA Agent and vice versa. Still, I can't help but wonder if she's nothing more than a rebound for him. 

Riggs likes the familiar and Palmer is familiar so it makes sense that he would turn to her after moving past Miranda. He hadn't even thought about Palmer since their last rendezvous until he came across her card while cleaning. At least that's the impression I got when he was talking about it in Cahill's office.

If he really was interested in her she would have always been in the back of his mind, and he wouldn't have needed a card to jumpstart his memory. 

Still, it was sweet watching him act like a school boy while trying to solve the drug ring case, but to be honest, the sooner we get rid of Palmer the happier I'll be.

Business or Pleasure? - Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 2

It's not that I don't like Agent Palmer, I do, I just don't know why Riggs needs to be paired up right now. He just broke free of a cloud that was hanging over him for so long, it seems that he would be better off being by himself for a while. 

But I guess that's where all his questioning of whether or not he's normal and cured comes in. He's trying to find himself and maybe he thinks that normal means having a woman by his side. Who knows. Maybe I'm reading too much into something that's supposed to be fun.

The important thing is that Riggs is happy, and if that means we're going to be seeing a lot more of him and Palmer together, then so be it. But, it's going to be very interesting to see how their relationship plays out. How long will it even last?

Over to you. What did you think of "Dancing in September?" What are your impressions of Deputy Chief Santos? 

Did you love Captain Avery teaming up with Riggs and Murtaugh? Are you swooning over Palmer and Riggs rekindled romance?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Lethal Weapon online right here via TV Fanatic.

Dancing in September Review

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