Bull Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Thanksgiving

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Dr. Jason Bull was not only flying solo, but he was flying blind as well for his latest case on Bull Season 2 Episode 9, and that was part of the fun. 

Bull is always so confident with his team doing research and all of that technology backing him up. 

This time he thought he'd be able to pig out on his own private Thanksgiving feast and use that tech to watch multiple football games at once.

Bull and The Boxer Season 2 Episode 9

But things went awry for not just Jason Bull but for almost all of the members of his team, many of whom didn't have the holiday they expected. 

Of course, neither did Bobby Lewis. 

I couldn't understand why Bobby wasn't honest with Bull from the beginning about the fact that he was supposed to throw the fight, especially since that was apparently the reason a body showed up in his trunk. 

I was flummoxed when Bobby was so happy after winning the fight. Was he that naive to think that the mob wouldn't retaliate? I was worried about his wife and kids, but Bobby didn't seem to give it a second thought...

Until that body showed up in his car. 

Bobby was lucky to have Calvin Barry on his side. Calvin may not have tried a homicide case before, but at least he knew where to go for help and didn't hesitate to ask. 

Bull and Calvin Barry Season 2 Episode 9

And at least Calvin was honest.

I'm thinking our witness is a liar, the jury's falling for it hook, line, and sinker, and our client isn't telling us something.


That Bobby chose not to throw the fight didn't annoy me nearly as much as the fact that he never told Bull or his attorney about it. 

When Bull finally did figure it out, he used it in a way I never expected. 

He made a deal with the mob. 

It was a deal with the devil, but it appeared there wasn't another choice, unless Bobby wanted to go to prison for a murder he didn't commit. 

Jason Bull got Bobby his life back, but with one caveat which he made very clear in this Bull quote:

Here's the thing. The day will come, the day they no longer have confidence that you're a winner and they'll ask you to throw one and if you don't, they're not going to waste time putting somebody else's body in the trunk of your car. It'll be yours. Do you understand?


Bobby walked away from a gang at 14 years old only to end up in the clutches of the mob, but neither is willing to let go easily.

It wasn't a perfect ending, and I was okay with that because this was more realistic and entertaining.

Elsewhere, the floor finally fell out of Marissa's romance.

Kyle Gets Mugged - Bull

So was Kyle mugged or was that all some kind of a weird set up to get Marissa's help to get a passport? 

The moment she went to use her credit card, I knew what was about to happen. 

Although I feel sorry for Marissa, it's not like the signs weren't there. Kyle set her up from the beginning. 

We saw Marissa making phone calls to Kyle, but what about to her credit cards and bank to report the fraud?

Or how about to her connections in Homeland Security to have them revoke that passport and track his whereabouts?

I understood why she didn't tell Bull; she felt humiliated and wanted to track down Kyle on her own, but what's her plan once she finds him?

I'm curious to see what happens then.

Benny and Grace were just adorable at the airport, although given what just happened to Marissa, I was a little concerned that she was going to take that first class airline ticket and leave Benny in the dust. 

I was relieved when she texted him back, and I hope we see her again. It would be nice to see Benny happy for a change.

Danny and Cable were mere footnotes in this Thanksgiving tale, as Danny headed home for a family holiday, while Cable did her best to avoid one, only to realize too late what she was missing.

Chunk's journey to see his high school best friend was the biggest surprise. 

So Anna is his daughter, only she doesn't know it. Does she think someone else is her father? Why did they keep it a secret for so long?

I'm assuming that Anna will be on her way to NYU soon and will get to spend more time with Chunk. 

There are still a lot of blanks to fill in with this story, but anything that gives us more time with Chunk will make me happy. 

So, TV Fanatics, were you thankful for Bull's Thanksgiving episode? 

What do you think Marissa should do about Kyle? And do you want to see more of Chunk and his daughter?

Check back for my review of Bull Season 2 Episode 10, and until then, you can watch Bull online here at TV Fanatic.

Thanksgiving Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (73 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bull Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

What are we having? Chicken nuggets and jello shots, just like they had on the Mayflower.


I'm thinking our witness is a liar, the jury's falling for it hook, line, and sinker, and our client isn't telling us something.
