The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9 Review: outfoX

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The latest chapter of The Gifted wastes no time in getting to the bottom of the big Strucker elephant in the room.

But whether or not the family can handle the family background is the major question on The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9.

Professor X Impression - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9

When it comes to comic book shows, I always expect big secrets like the Fenris one to be kept for numerous episodes. Because every story needs a little bit of drama, right?

Thankfully, The Gifted Season 1 continues to prove that it doesn't go with those expectations. Reed behaved like a proper adult and told his whole family what he had learned.

Isn't it great when grown-ups behave like adults? Don't get me wrong, I love The CW's Arrowverse shows, but that is one of their biggest problems.

I think this is, without doubt, one of my favorite Strucker moments of the whole season. While it might seem small to others, it's a big deal that they avoided having Reed keep the information to himself.

They could have easily had Reed hide it from them because he thought it would hurt them. But instead, he was straight with them, and that is a big bonus in my book.

It also allowed Lauren and Andy to be given more significant focus than they have had so far. Most of the time we've spent with them we've the seen the siblings argue or bicker because, well, that's what siblings do!

What Is His Path - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9

But instead, they got proper development and things to do on "outfoX," and it was enjoyable. Even the scene when they were researching Fenris was a sweet touch.

I will give Andy some props on "outfoX" for the first time in a while. He has too often been one of the few weak links in the series. Yes, I know he is a teenager hence why his rebellious behavior is the way it is.

But guess what? Teenagers can grow and mature which is the case for Andy! Simply the moment at the end of the episode where he thought of the major consequences of using Fenris made me very proud.

Don't get me wrong, it sucked that they got taken by the Sentinel Services because of that! But can't we at least give Andy some props for thinking about, you know, other human lives?

That was also a big twist that I didn't think would happen so soon. I would have personally ended The Gifted Season 1 with them kidnapped rather than do it here.

But I guess we need to give Jace something to do since he is still around. Coby Bell does what he can with the character, but at this point, I have lost interest in Jace as a baddie.

Game Changer - The Gifted

I still find it fascinating that the Sentinel Services has failed to come off as unique. Yet Roderick Campbell slides in and outshines like nobody's business.

The Sentinels are a big deal in the X-Men universe, simple as that. I want more than these small spider-Sentinels and men in business suits! 

Maybe they are planning on fleshing out the Sentinel Services during The Gifted Season 2. That's all we can hope for because until now, they're not doing much for me.

Let's talk about Polaris' nightmare. Why do I have this horrible feeling that the season will end with something tragic happening to the baby?

I'm not saying her dream is going to come to fruition, shot by shot, but it's something to be alarmed about. Either Polaris will lose the child or someone will kidnap the baby when he/she is born.

There has to be a reason why they showed us that nightmare. Given the stakes that The Gifted has set up, anything is possible.

What Did Her Nightmare Mean - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9

Overall, "outfoX" was a solid episode that had some of the better character development of the season. I can't wait to see how the Strucker kids get out of this mess and how they will deal with their Fenris strength.

Now it's your turn to let us know what you thought of The Gifted Season 1 Episode 9! Do you think Andy and Lauren will go the same path as Andrea and Andreas?

Do you agree that Jace Turner is a boring villain so far? Do you think the nightmare that Polaris had means that she and Eclipse's future baby is in trouble?

Remember you can watch The Gifted online right here via TV Fanatic! Get caught up with FOX's hot new X-Men drama before the winter finale!

outfoX Review

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