The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11 Review: 3 X 1

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The Gifted is back to wrap up its first season after the major events on the winter finale last month. 

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11 focuses heavily on the Cuckoos sisters as the underground mutants have to decide whether or not to work with them.

Tensions Heat Up - The Gifted

Did anyone else get more pissed over Dreamer's death on The Gifted Season 1 Episode 10 after watching "3 X 1"? Because I sure did!

Don't get me wrong, the death was necessary to show stakes. But it also made this premiere incredibly emotionally charged. 

But at least the show did take some time to give the character a solid send-off. The sequences of the two funerals at the same time were refreshing as we see it from the POVs of the heroes and villains.

Speaking of villains, let's discuss the Cuckoos sisters....sigh. I always get a little nervous whenever a show introduces twins, triplets or even clones.

In this case, The Gifted leaned more on the cheesy sides of portraying triplets. They walk into rooms together at the same pace, dressed exactly the same and talked at the same time.

The Cockoos Sisters - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11

As much as I want to give Skyler Samuels major props, I simply find the sisters somewhat hilarious. If anything, their purpose is only to showcase the Hellfire Club.

Don't worry; we will get to the famous mutant club a bit later. I don't take the sisters as a serious threat after "3 X 1", even though I know I should.

It is the cheesy parts that I could live without. Even though I'm a big comic book reader, I'll admit that I'm not familiar with the sisters.

Maybe this is how they are portrayed in the comics. Maybe not? Regardless, I think The Gifted missed out on giving us triplets that had their own unique personalities.

Because as of right now, what sets them apart from one another? Maybe I missed something, but I couldn't tell if it was Esme the whole time or one of the other sisters.

Not Easy Being Parents - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11

Maybe the finale will allow the sisters to be established as individual characters. A man can only dream, right? 

Samuels is a talented actress who could do something really neat with these sisters. Hopefully, that is what she will get to do in the finale.

Heck, if they survive the season finale, perhaps a second season will allow them to be fleshed out. But as of right now, I'm not too impressed with the Cuckoos sisters.

What I'm impressed with though is the seeding of the Hellfire Club. It is funny though how The Gifted sneaked the club in.

Originally, FOX was planning on doing a Hellfire Club TV series before The Gifted was even a thing. But FOX ended up canning the project in favor of this show instead.

Saying Goodbye - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11

I think we can all agree that this was the right decision. What made me excited though was the connection that Polaris has with the club.

While we don't know what the status is of Magneto, we learned that her father was a member of the club. Will Michael Fassbender or Sir Ian McKellen will pop up someday?

Probably not, but I'm convinced that Magneto is out there somewhere in this continuity. Perhaps a new actor will take on the role for the TV version?

It would be a shame if The Gifted never showed Polaris reunited with her family. I'm excited, though, for what the introduction of the club will do to Polaris.

Also, what the heck is going on with that baby growing inside of Polaris? Given that Polaris is going through "changes," this might be one complicated pregnancy.

Will The Romance Live Again - The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11

Clarice got to shine in "3 X 1" as the character is beginning to find her place. I enjoyed the connection she and Lauren began to make, and I hope it expands!

I honestly hope that is something Andy gets, too -- someone he can have as a mentor. Ideally not any of the sisters because look what one of them managed to do to him!

Overall, "3 X 1" was a strong winter premiere that continued to flesh out the larger mysteries of the series. While the sisters are getting on my nerves, I do want to see what they have in store for our mutants.

Now it is your turn to let us know what you thought of The Gifted Season 1 Episode 11! What did you think of the Cuckoos sisters?

What is going on with Polaris and Eclipse's baby? How will the Hellfire Club factor into the show as a whole?

Remember you can watch The Gifted online right here via TV Fanatic! Get caught up before the two-hour season finale on Monday, January 15!

3 X 1 Review

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