Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 11 Review: Law of the Jungle

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Does anybody think that something is going to happen to Severide or Casey? 


The writers may be trying to play with our emotions with the end of Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 11, but by now we all know the likelihood of anything happening to our two heroes is slim to none. 

Best Course of Action - Chicago Fire

Just like the possibility that they were going to have some kind of permanent falling out. 

While it would have been extremely out of character (not to mention tone-deaf for the franchise), I almost would have preferred the captain and the lieutenant had a falling out rather than the...misunderstanding...that went down.

The characters have developed enough from the early days that it's impossible to believe that something would come between the two male leads, and even the writing team couldn't maintain that fiction for an entire episode. 

Casey: I got an entire sermon on command humility.
Severide: Well, maybe it worth hearing. [incredulous] I didn't sell you out, Casey. It's not who I am. You should know that.

If Casey and Severide are going to have a falling out, it's going to be over something much more important than somebody's career and probably take a significant amount of time to be believable. 

It's disrespectful of the audience to pretend otherwise. 

Just like it's disrespectful to ask us to believe that one or both may have died escaping that fire. 

If we live through this, I can't even tell if you get a reprimand or another commendation.

Casey [to Severide]

Seriously, this is network TV. Contract renewals aren't exactly secret, and we all know that major characters are unlikely to die until the end of a season. On an established show you know it's going to happen because again, contracts aren't really big secrets. 

Especially in Dick Wolf's world. 

Sure, Shonda Rhimes may be able to trick us. But outside of the Doug and Carol reunion on ER, I can't think of a time when NBC didn't promote the hell out of, well, everything. They don't believe in secrets there. 

Two Man Job - Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 11

The outcome of Kelly and Casey's dustup quickly resolved, but sorting things out between the lieutenant and his roommate is taking far too long. 

The pay off for this interminable wait better be worth it. Especially considering who  what Stella is giving up. HazMat Zach, as far as I can tell, has all the positive qualities that Severide has and he seems like he's probably free of venereal disease. 

Plus, no intra-house drama. 

To hell with this. I got into this to save lives, not play leap frog. Find somebody else for whatever you're trying to do here.

Severide [to Grizz]

Obviously, I'm pulling for Kelly and Stella to get together, but it is a shame that there's no permanent place for Daniel Di Tomasso at Firehouse 51.

But who knows, maybe he'll find a nice nurse or doctor at Gaffney to hook up with, and we'll be able to keep him around. 

Yeah, yeah, that sounds more far-fetched than Annabelle joining the CFD someday. 

Herrmann [weirdly indicating with his head]: Hey, Trudy!
Trudy: What?
Herrmann keeps indicating with his eyes
Trudy: Christopher, use your words.
Herrmann: Would you mind maybe ix-naying the homicide-nay aorund the kid-nay?

We got more Trudy than we usually do during an episode of Chicago Fire, but it still wasn't enough! Is it too much to ask that Annabelle regularly show up on Chicago PD in her new role of Police Explorer?

More seriously, I'm not sure if I'm touched or annoyed that Herrmann is trying to "protect" his daughter from the dangers of firefighting. I think it's natural that he'd want to protect his kid from harm, but what kind of experience would he have given one of his boys? 

Not having enough information to fill in all the blanks makes me feel like the story was pointless...except that it made for some really good scenes for Trudy. 

Stella: All I'm saying is your little girl is her own person, and one day she might throw you a curve ball.
Herrmann: She's eight; I've got a few years before she comes home with a nose ring! Right?

I guess that will have to be enough. 

The other subplot could have used more time as well. Am I the only one who would have killed to know what happened after Mouch showed up at the spa?

I mean, was it just the most awkward experience ever, or did they start collaborating on their next romance novel together? 

Bad Blood - Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 11

And was Otis' threat really enough to make Cruz give up the spa day he thought he was invited to? Or was there some other factor? 

It doesn't seem like Otis would be enough. No matter what Cruz has said about not pressuring Sylvie or expecting something from her, he's not giving up that opportunity without mitigating circumstances. 

As hilarious as Mouch's appearance was, I would have killed to have Antonio show up instead. What was the point of him reappearing if they're not going to end up together? 

Annabelle - Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 11

It does look like at least one of the star-crossed romances will reach a resolution on Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 12. The promotional photos for "The F is For" aren't entirely clear, but there are some heartfelt looking hugs between Severide and Stella. 

In fact most of the photos available focus on the roommates in one way or another. But with the Olympics taking over NBC in every possible way, it'll be a minute before we get to find out precisely what is happening between the two ex-lovers. 

What are your theories? We want to know!

Do you think the two are finally going to get together when Chicago Fire returns! Is Sylvie starting to soften towards Cruz, or will she let him down gently? Will Severide begin to step up and go for a promotion? What's the next challenge facing 51?

Join the comments section below to sound off!

And remember, you can always watch Chicago Fire online and catch up on past Chicago Fire reviews anytime!

Law of the Jungle Review

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Elizabeth Harlow was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the organization in October 2018.

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Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 11 Quotes

Herrmann [weirdly indicating with his head]: Hey, Trudy!
Trudy: What?
Herrmann keeps indicating with his eyes
Trudy: Christopher, use your words.
Herrmann: Would you mind maybe ix-naying the homicide-nay aorund the kid-nay?

Casey: I got an entire sermon on command humility.
Severide: Well, maybe it worth hearing. [incredulous] I didn't sell you out, Casey. It's not who I am. You should know that.