Bull Season 2 Episode 18 Review: Bad Medicine

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What happens when your beliefs don't align with the law? That was the conundrum on Bull Season 2 Episode 18.

Or better yet, what happens when the law is wrong? 

I'm always thrilled to see Dana Delany on screen, and her role a Assistant U.S. District Attorney Sylvia Banner was no exception.

Dana Delany Guest Stars - Bull

The most intriguing part of ADA Banner was that she continually challenged my feelings about her motives. 

Was she simply being a hard-ass about this case because she wanted to win, or did she believe that if he pushed hard enough, and lost, that the law would change?

I do my job, you do your job, the system does the rest.


At first I thought that having Nicholas taken to the hospital was a nasty move, and certainly having Child Protective Services show up on Laura's door step, along with a police officer, was playing hard ball. 

But, in the end, it was the doctor's testimony that he couldn't have prescribed a better treatment than Laura's that saved her. 

My baby was living his life again, instead of just waiting to die.


When Jason Bull left Laura alone at the hospital, I was disappointed in his judgment. I know he needed to leave to prepare for court the following day, but he should have had someone sit with her. 

Laura was a desperate mother worrying that the government was going to take away her seriously ill child and put him into foster care. In a dark moment, she could have done anything, including try to run off with the boy. 

Saving Dr. Laura - Bull Season 2 Episode 18

When the judge revoked Laura's bail for going to find her sick son instead of heading to court, I was thankful this was a jury trial and not a bench trial. The judge's belief that the law was the law didn't bode well for Laura's outcome. 

The point that this episode drove home the most was that the law can be complicated, questionable, and in some cases wrong. The fact that a physician can use a drug to help a patient in one state, but have to do prison time for treating the same patient in another state was mind boggling. 

And the solution that people in need of treatment should just move to another state was overly simplistic.

For most people, their health insurance is tied to their employer. It certainly wouldn't be easy to just quit your job, and hope to find another in a different state. It would be even more complicated if you or a loved one were seriously ill. 

Another interesting point that came up in this story was Dr. Jason Bull's drinking.

We've seen it over and over again during Bull Season 2. Jason Bull turns to alcohol, especially when he's under stress or lonely, which is most of the time. 

He drinks in a group. He drinks alone.

He drinks. 

The question is, does he drink because it's become a bad habit, or does he drink because he has a problem not drinking. 

Dr. Laura was quick to pick up on the signs of a possible problem, and as usual, Jason combatted her observation with humor in this Bull quote...

Laura: Does somebody have a problem?
Bull: With what?
Laura: Drinking?
Bull: No, I drink fine.

Laura wanted to make sure Bull wasn't going to show up for court hungover, and I'm curious to see if we get to that point with Bull before the season end. 

Will Jason Bull's drinking eventually have consequences for him, for TAC, and for his clients? 

We'll have to wait and see. 

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Benny was a stand out during this case. I like Benny because he always comes across as genuine. Even his opening scene in church rang true. I don't doubt that he's as passionate about his faith as he is about the law. 

Awaiting The Verdict - Bull Season 2 Episode 18

But the rest of the TAC team were little more than blips on the screen. Marissa wasn't much more than the occasional voice in Bull's ear, while Danny and Cable had barely any presence at all. 

Chunk was mostly there to react to Laura's testimony, and then to prepare Dr. Kilkarney, but at least he did that with a bit of humor. 

That's a tall order, but I'm a tall man.


I think that was the most Chunk-like line we've heard from Chunk all season. 

So what do you think TV Fanatics? 

Would you like to see Dana Delany's U.S. ADA Sylvia Banner return to do battle with Bull and the TAC team once again?

ADA Banner Plays Hardball - Bull Season 2 Episode 18

Should the jury have convicted Dr. Laura for doing the wrong thing for the right reasons?

And should Dr. Bull's habitual use of alcohol in his off hours be addressed before this season ends?

Check back in for my review of Bull Season 2 Episode 19 and until then, you can watch Bull online any time here at TV Fanatic. 

Bad Medicine Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bull Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

Bull: They have bars where you live?
Laura: Of course.
Bull: Then you're on my way.

My baby was living his life again, instead of just waiting to die.
