Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Cucaracha/K'uruch

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Welcome to the Adelita show! 

After multiple episodes of me questioning why Adelita is the way she is, we finally got an answer on Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 7. It felt like the show went zero to a hundred real quick with Adelita. She went from rarely being featured to having an entire episode revolve around her. 

That was a significant risk for Mayans M.C. to take. Adelita wasn't a character many M.C. fans have been able to get invested in. So at first the idea of her being the primary focus of the entire episode had me worried. 

The Force of Adelita - Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 7

Luckily, Carla Baratta stepped up her game and delivered an incredible performance on "Cucaracha/K'uruch." Adelita was no longer just the cold-hearted leader of a rebellion. She was a very damaged woman who has pretty much spent her entire life thinking her father was betrayed by Felipe. 

Felipe finally got something interesting to do for what feels like the first time. The conversation between him and Adelita was equally intense and heartbreaking. 

Related: Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Gato/Mis 

Although it isn't really in his nature to show emotion, it was clear Felipe felt for Adelita after he broke the news that her father wasn't exactly a great man. He was a cold-blooded killer who worked for the cartel she's trying to take down. 

Another thing she learned from Felipe was that it was the priest she is friends with that betrayed her father. While she left Felipe's home with tears in her eyes, I imagine she will eventually flip the switch and go back to being cold-hearted Adelita. That priest better watch out!

Almost Caught - Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 3

That wasn't the only major milestone for Adelita either. The face-to-face confrontation the show has been building towards finally came to fruition. Adelita arranged for a one-on-one meeting with Miguel while he got being detained. 

The built-in tension between these two was palpable, and Adelita did a great job of building suspense. Every hand movement, every twitch had me believing this could be the moment she finally takes out Galdino. 

However, Mayans M.C. managed to deliver a game-changing twist that could alternate the show's trajectory going forward. Adelita and the rebels want to work with Miguel and the Galindo cartel! 

When she said this, I was shaken. Does that mean the war is over? I have so many questions. 

Adelita: We know we can't defeat evil. All we can do is point it in the right direction. Let evil feed our children, and care for our sick. Let the devil secure our future.
Miguel: And I'm that devil?

I don't know if I'll be getting the answers to these questions anytime soon because of Mr. EZ Reyes and Jiminez. That's right, after multiple episodes of him doing absolutely nothing, Jiminez accomplished something. 

He not only prevented the DEA from pulling EZ's detail, but he and EZ provided Linc with some intel that helped Linc and his team formulate a plan to take down the Galindo cartel once and for all. 

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Good job, Jiminez you weren't useless this time around! Keep it up, and maybe I won't write you off as I have in the past. 

While EZ provided this intel mainly to protect himself, I don't think he realized how much this is going to affect his relationship with the club and with Emily. 

Liable - Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 5

She just got her husband and her baby back, and now her husband will be taken away from her again. By season's end, Emily will join the dark side, and it will be so much fun to watch! 

There is even a small possibility that she might continue to do Miguel's work while he and his men are locked up. The main reason I have this feeling that's going to happen is because Emily and Devante have become very close. 

Emily: Anything from the lawyer?
Devante: No. A legal hierarchy at the border and now it's fucking chaos. Idiots dictating policy, making shit up as they go along. Covering their ass so they don't take the hit when the Emperor shits his new clothes.

Devante's secretly taken Emily under his wing and has been showing her the ropes of what it's like in the cartel. He was one of the few men in the cartel the DEA didn't arrest. It wouldn't be that shocking if Emily, with Devante's help, ran the Galindo cartel while Miguel's away. 

Talk about a woman in power! It would not only be great television if that were to happen, but it would also be something new. Emily and Adelita both running the cartel would shatter glass ceilings. 

Devante and Emily - Mayans M.C.

While we don't know if that is where the story is going, one thing we can all agree on is Danny Pino once again knocked it out of the park. The guy knows how to deliver at any given moment.

Pino needed so much range on "Cucaracha/K'uruch," and he more than nailed it every time. 

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From anger to happiness to sadness, he felt it all on this episode. 

The most hair-raising moment for Miguel though was while he was locked up. The way he can turn on his ruthlessness so quickly was a reminder that people shouldn't be messing with him. 

That cockroach ... that's what you are to me. A fucking plague. A dirty pest with a tiny brain. Someone steps on you ... nobody notices you're gone. You're a mistake.

Miguel Galindo

EZ Reyes better be careful because he is bound to be the next cockroach Galindo will step on. 

While the main focus was on Adelita and Miguel, Coco also had a lot to deal with due in large part to his new daughter. 

I feel for Leticia; I do. Her grandmother was a bonafide psychopath who was pretty much forcing her granddaughter into being a prostitute if she wanted a roof over her head.

Vicki: Cops called this morning. Found my Chevy in a field near the border. A dead body in the fucking trunk.
Coco: Wow, anyone you know?

However, the fact that the first thing that came to Leticia's mind was to beat her head on a toilet seat and accuse Vicki of beating her was also a little psychotic. 

Coco has fallen in love with Leticia real fast, and if that wasn't clear before, it is now. He killed his mother to protect his daughter.

And you thought your family drama was harsh. 

Related: Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Uch/Opossum

I'm curious to see how Coco will react once he finds out Vicky didn't really beat Leticia. Will he feel remorse for what he's done, or is he too in love with the idea of being a father to Leticia that her lies won't matter to him? 

Somehow, Coco has become the most exciting character on Mayans M.C., which is something I would've never guessed when the show first premiered. 

Father and Daughter  - Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 6

There was also a storyline involving Riz and a few of the less essential M.C. members. It was something about a tunnel, I think. Honestly, it was hard to understand what was going on because it didn't flow with everything else going on in the episode. 

Hopefully, there will be more context about what is going on with Riz because at this moment I'm confused and don't really care. 

Despite that one downfall, "Cucaracha/K'uruch" was a very solid hour with great character development. I care about Adelita now, I don't despise Jiminez anymore, and Coco and Miguel may have surpassed Angel as the MVPs of Mayans M.C. 

What did you think of "Cucaracha/K'uruch"?

What are your impressions of Adelita now that you know more about her? 

What are you hoping to see in the last three episodes of the season?

Let us know in the comments below, and if you need to catch up make sure to watch Mayans M.C. online right here on TV Fanatic. 

Cucaracha/K'uruch Review

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Brandon Viera was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He retired in May 2019..

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Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

That cockroach ... that's what you are to me. A fucking plague. A dirty pest with a tiny brain. Someone steps on you ... nobody notices you're gone. You're a mistake.

Miguel Galindo

Emily: Anything from the lawyer?
Devante: No. A legal hierarchy at the border and now it's fucking chaos. Idiots dictating policy, making shit up as they go along. Covering their ass so they don't take the hit when the Emperor shits his new clothes.