The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Heroic

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All actions have consequences and June had to learn the hard way on The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9 that she was not the exception to that rule.

June has got by with a lot more than any of the other girls have, but not this time.

This time she was forced to her knees at the foot of Ofmatthew's bed and made to stay there.

Natalie And June - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

We learned in The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 8 that Ofmatthew's real name is Natalie.

I feel like Natalie would have been a more fitting title for this episode seeing as most of it was spent in her hospital room, and June and Janine were finally referring to her by her real name.

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I don't like referring to the girls by their Gilead given name, so I was happy to finally learn her true name.

Natalie had a life and a family before having to become a machine whose only purpose was to make babies for the elite in Gilead.

June: Hold on a minute.
Aunt Lydia: Pardon?
June: I'm sorry. Aunt Lydia, may I go home, please?
Aunt Lydia: No! You may not. Ridiculous!
June: Please.
Aunt Lydia: You may go home when your walking partner goes home. You certainly owe her that consideration after the way you have treated her.
June: I know. I know I was shitty.
Aunt Lydia: Ofjoseph. All of you girls, just awful.
June: I know. I... I don't feel well.
Aunt Lydia: Ofjoseph, I believe in you. God never gives us more than we can handle.
June: Are you sure?
Aunt Lydia: Pray without ceasing. That's all we can do.
June: Yes Aunt Lydia.

June was finally able to see that.

June has been so blinded by her anger with Natalie that she has seen her as nothing more than another enemy standing in the way of her escape.

The time June spent isolated in the hospital room seemed to be having a negative impact on her mental health at first, but ultimately I believe it was good for her.

Prayers  - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

She had a lot of time to herself to think about her actions and the events that led her there, and that is what she needed.

The conversation with Janine was beneficial because June cares for Janine and views her as an equal.

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Aunt Lydia can tell June she's selfish or mean all day long, but it is not going to have the same effect.

Janine is her friend, and for her to tell June how selfish she has become and call her out on her behavior and how it is affecting everyone means something.

Janine: Hi.
June: Hi. What are you doing here?
Janine: Got infected. They have to do another procedure.
June: Oh.
Janine: I haven't been praying for her, not really.
June: Okay.
Janine: She had that seizure.
June: Do you think that was your fault?
Janine: Obviously. Do you think she can hear me?
June: I don't know.
Janine: Hi Natalie, Its Janine. I just want you to know that I forgive you and I want you to get better.
June: She can't get better.
Janine: We can wish for it anyway. I want you to find peace. Is that better?
June: I know how we can help her.
Janine: No.
June: Janine its the right thing to do. Listen to me. We have to end it.
Janine: So you're going to kill her and the baby? What did they ever do to you?
June: Janine we have to, we have to do something.
Janine: Don't do that. She's one of us.
June: Okay.
Janine: Okay. Give it to me. When did you get to be so selfish? Everything is always about you; your problems.
June: Get the fuck out of here.
Janine: You're different. I don't like it.

She is being sincere and June knows that. It was the wake-up call June needed to take a step back and reevaluate her behavior.

I think the conversation she had with the doctor as he was stitching her up was good for her, too.

He knew her mother, and there was a familiarity there; it was almost like talking to an old friend.

Serena And June - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

She was honest about her intentions of killing Serena and him as well, but he didn't run off and report her.

Why didn't he report her. and more importantly, why didn't Serena?

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That would have been the perfect opportunity to finally get rid of June, but Serena hid her wounds instead and just said that June cut herself.

Perhaps she kept it to herself because she thinks she may need June in the future to get Nichole back, or perhaps there is more going on with Serena than meets the eye.

June: Mrs. Waterford may I speak to you for a moment?
Serena: Yes Ofjoseph?
June: Come closer, it's a secret.
Serena: What? You're not well.
June: No.
Serena: June? You're out of your mind!
June: This has to end. This has to end.
Serena: You were supposed to be one of the strong ones.

I'm sure June attacking Serena would have put her on the wall or at the very least sent her to the colonies. With as many times as Serena has expressed her disdain for June, I imagine she would jump at the opportunity.

I'm still not a fan of Serena, and it would take something really big to change that.

However, I'm still hoping that she will switch sides and fight against Gilead from the inside.

June Is Hurt - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

Another wake-up call for June was seeing the little girls in pink parading through the hospital and realizing that they were, in fact, real and not a figment of her imagination.

She knows that time is drawing near for Hannah, and soon she will be auctioned off to start her life as a young wife.

Comfort  - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

Hannah will be forced to have children long before she is ready, and June has to figure out a way to stop it.

Her time alone, her conversation with Janine and knowing she is part of the reason Natalie is in such bad shape has opened her eyes.

Hey it's okay, it's alright. I'm here, I'll be right here. I'm sorry I was such a shit to you. I got lost I think. Not that that's a good excuse, but I don't really have another reason. They just take everything from you, you know? They really do. Oh your son, he's beautiful. Oh, he's... he is beautiful. And everyone is praying for him, but I wouldn't worry. Seriously, because I think he's just like you; he's a fighter. And he doesn't deserve to grow up in this place. He deserves to be free. They all deserve to be free. So, Natalie, I'm gonna get them out. I'm gonna get out as many children as I can. I don't really know how yet, but I swear to you, I'm gonna get them out. Because Gilead should know how this feels. It's their turn to hurt.


She can't keep going about things full of anger and making impulsive decisions.

She has to think clearly and come up with a plan.

As she spoke to Natalie, we got to see that the June we know is still there.

Time To Go  - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

She does care, and she hasn't been corrupted by Gilead. She's just angry and felt defeated, and I don't blame her.

She knows that Natalie was just trying to survive in her environment the best way she knew how, and Natalie's method to survival is no better or worse than June's.

Sanity In Question - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9

They were both just doing what they had to do.

I hope June keeps her promise. I hope she gets out as many children as she can, but she is going to need help. 

Will Natalie survive? 

Will June be able to keep her promise? 

Hit the comments below and share your thoughts!  

Heroic Review

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The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

June: Hold on a minute.
Aunt Lydia: Pardon?
June: I'm sorry. Aunt Lydia, may I go home, please?
Aunt Lydia: No! You may not. Ridiculous!
June: Please.
Aunt Lydia: You may go home when your walking partner goes home. You certainly owe her that consideration after the way you have treated her.
June: I know. I know I was shitty.
Aunt Lydia: Ofjoseph. All of you girls, just awful.
June: I know. I... I don't feel well.
Aunt Lydia: Ofjoseph, I believe in you. God never gives us more than we can handle.
June: Are you sure?
Aunt Lydia: Pray without ceasing. That's all we can do.
June: Yes Aunt Lydia.

Janine: Hi.
June: Hi. What are you doing here?
Janine: Got infected. They have to do another procedure.
June: Oh.
Janine: I haven't been praying for her, not really.
June: Okay.
Janine: She had that seizure.
June: Do you think that was your fault?
Janine: Obviously. Do you think she can hear me?
June: I don't know.
Janine: Hi Natalie, Its Janine. I just want you to know that I forgive you and I want you to get better.
June: She can't get better.
Janine: We can wish for it anyway. I want you to find peace. Is that better?
June: I know how we can help her.
Janine: No.
June: Janine its the right thing to do. Listen to me. We have to end it.
Janine: So you're going to kill her and the baby? What did they ever do to you?
June: Janine we have to, we have to do something.
Janine: Don't do that. She's one of us.
June: Okay.
Janine: Okay. Give it to me. When did you get to be so selfish? Everything is always about you; your problems.
June: Get the fuck out of here.
Janine: You're different. I don't like it.