The 100 Season 7 Trailer: The End Is Near

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The long wait is finally over. Almost.

The extended trailer for The 100 Season 7 is officially out and we are back in the battleground again.

There were plenty of surprises delivered in this sneak peek, specifically with the amount of travel that fans can look forward to seeing. Since the Anomaly is now a confirmed wormhole, the possibilities are truly endless.

But what is even more surprising are the enemies that are popping up this time around, people we know and love. 

Diyoza is a big one, not exactly an enemy, but she seems to not be taking into account Octavia's wish to return to Bellamy.

It isn't clear why Diyoza won't leave, but she definitely doesn't want Octavia to go either. 

Then we have the actual confusing lack of Bellamy in the trailer itself, except for two scenes from The 100 Season 6 there is no new glimpse at what he is up to or where he even is.

Either this is done because there are just too many spoilers about his storyline, or maybe it is time for fans to worry about what exactly happens to Bellamy Blake this season.

There is also the obvious play on a new war, with people from Sanctum pushing for one last battle and the question of when violence can finally end with the human race.

Because as much as Clarke does want to do better, there are forces complicating it for her at every turn.

Enter Russell.

It isn't obvious yet what he is going through, although we have a few theories. It is safe to say that he is going to be a huge barrier.

He wants a war and he wants to kill, none of which is on the agenda for trying to do better and being the best version of yourself.

But overall, it looks like the trailer brought out more questions than any possible answers that fans have been dying to have revealed. 

When we last left off during The 100 Season 6 Episode 13, Clarke and her friends came out on top in Sanctum.

Clarke, Raven, Gaia, and Indra came together to destroy the flame to keep Madi safe. It seemed to work until Sheidheda uploaded himself somewhere in the Sanctum database.

Then Bellamy and Octavia thought they had cut down on the cult scene on this new planet, but an adventure to find out more on the Anomaly with Gabriel became Octavia being taken to another planet (we assume) after she told Hope to stab her.

Oh yeah, and we also have Diyoza's fully grown daughter. Everything is completely fine.

TV Fanatic got to interview several actors including Chuku Modu, Lindsey Morgan, Shannon Kook, and Ivana Milicevic about where their characters may be headed in the final season, giving fans an idea of what to expect with their favorites.

The only concrete information that we have so far though for the upcoming episodes is all about that backdoor pilot for the prequel.

It sounds like it will be the episode titled Anaconda, which may be hint enough of what is to come. 

For The 100 fans looking for some more nostalgia as we head into the last season, TV Fanatic will continue a new ongoing The 100 interview series, "Looking Back on The 100," that centers on monumental cast members and characters from the show that left their mark. 

We recently spoke with Eli Goree about his time on the show during The 100 Season 1, and the legacy he left behind.

We also spoke with Michael Beach and the journey he had when it came to The 100. Keep checking TV Fanatic for more upcoming interviews with surprise cast members from seasons past.

And for any fans that are looking for any more possible hints to help their theories about the final season, the new title sequence is officially out and waiting to be explored.

There may also be some interviews promoting the brand new season as well, so stick around for all of that!

What are some theories that you have after watching the trailer? What are you surprised that we actually got to see? What do you wish we got to see more of?

What questions do you have now that we know some more information about Season 7?

Where do you think Bellamy is? Who are you worried about the most? Which new character appearence change are you loving the most? Where do you think all of this is going?

Let us know in the comments section below.

The 100 returns on Wednesday, May 20 at 8/7c on The CW.

Watch the full trailer below and share all your thoughts with us in the comments section. Stick around TV Fanatic for more features, slideshows, episode previews, interviews, and reviews of the upcoming season, and watch The 100 online if you need to catch up on the adventure.

Yana Grebenyuk was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in April 2021.

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The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.