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Arrow Season 7: Three New Villains Cast!

When Arrow returns for Season 7, there will be some big changes in store. 

For a start, Oliver Queen will be incarcerated for being the vigilante, and that means he will come face-to-face with some of the people he helped put inside.

While Oliver is facing the music on the inside, his team will be put in some disastrous situations on the outside. There's a no-vigilante rule in Star City, meaning Team Arrow is essentially defunct. 

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But that won't stop the Longbow Hunters who have been sent on a mission by Diaz to exact revenge on everyone close to Oliver. 

Who will be playing the Longbow Hunters, you ask? 

First up is Red Dart, who will be played by Holly Elissa. She is described as "a ruthless and precise killer."

Related: Arrow Season 7 Sneak Peek: This Is Someone New

That does not bode well for the team, and we're actually starting to think that Oliver should get out of prison quickly to help save their lives. 

Elissa has previously appeared on the likes of Fringe and Supernatural. 

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Next up is Silencer, and she will be played by Miranda Edwards. She is described as "a master of stealth" which will bode well for her when she sets off on her mission to avenge Diaz. 

In all honesty, it's scary to think about what intel she can find out about the key players. If she's that quiet, she's going to be listening for everything, reporting back to the others and then striking when we least expect it. 

Related: The CW Fall Schedule: What's on the Move?

With a lot of contracts up at the end of Season 7, could the real reason for these new characters be that it will make it easy to reduce the budget of the show for Season 8?

We kid, mostly, but stranger things have happened. 

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The final new addition to the cast is Michael Jonsson as Kodia, "a beast of a man with brute force." 

Yeah, we don't like Team Arrow's chances, but if these new villains can teach them a thing or two about loyalty, I may just side with the villains on this one occasion. 

What are your thoughts on these new additions?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch Arrow online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the fun right now. 

Arrow Season 7: Three New Villains Cast!

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