With Prank Week officially over and Nick evicted from the game, the houseguests competed in another Head of Household competition on Thursday night.
This time, it was the wall, so it was an endurance competition for the ages.
The competition came down to Tommy and Jackson, with Tommy dropping just ahead of Jackson.
This meant that Jackson won his second HOH of the summer, and with the help of his girlfriend, Holly, they find themselves in power for the third straight week.
It's rare for showmances to have these back-to-back wins, and that's something that will probably come back to haunt them during next week's double eviction.
Jackson is not able to compete, so it will be down to Holly to keep them safe during the most important night of the season.
Following the HOH competition, Jackson told a confused Christie that he's using her as a pawn, meaning that she will be headed to the block once again.
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Christie is becoming an easy person to nominate because she's made so many deals that she needs to find a way to stay in the game.
As for who will be going next to her, it will be Jessica. Jackson knows that Jessica is targeting the men for eviction.
Jessica is not in his alliance, either, so there's that.
During the HOH competition, Jackson promised not to nominate Tommy, and that could prove problematic if Jessica or Christie manage to escape the block.
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Jackson and Holly reaffirmed their final four alliance with Cliff and Nicole following the competition, so there's no way Cliff or Nicole will take a trip to the block this week.
We'll keep you up to speed on what goes down over the weekend.
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