Hannah runs into Ripley at the bar. She's waiting for a date and would like him to go away (especially after he judges her for not drinking). He wants to know all about the guy. She met Kyle on a dating app. She finds out Ripley is with high school friends and is surprised he is from Chicago. As her boyfriend shows up, a guy has a medical emergency. His girlfriend has passed out. Ripley asks if she took anything. Cocaine — could it be laced with fentanyl? The guy passes out too.
Narcan works for Becca but not the boyfriend. Mitch wants to give mouth-to-mouth which Hannah says is too risky. The paramedics arrive and administer more Narchan. The boyfriends wakes up.
Confirmed fentanyl. Kyle follows Hannah and Mitch outside. Mitch suggests Hannah finish her date. He leaves but Kyle is not interested in seeing her anymore and says he has to go. She kisses him. (It didn't seem like they had any date at all on-screen but it seemsl ike they did from the dialogue)
Marcel has a suit with him He tells Ahmad he is joining the board. Ahmad says he must be popular with the suits.
A patient comes in, passed out briefly and is vomiting. His husband is with him. He pukes on Ahmad and apologizes.
Dr. Washington comes to see Sharon.. He gives her back something she left by the toaster. He guesses Dr. Charles doesn't know about them. They have agreed not to tell but Washington doesn't understand why. He says their relationship is not prohibitied. She has always had a policy of not mixing work and romance til now
Ahmad tells Marcel her patient has abdominal sarcoma. His nausea is coming from a tumor. Marcel doesn't know what she needs him for. She says he doesn't want a feeding tube and wants surgery. Marcel thinks this is a bad idea but agrees to take a look.
Vince tells Marcel he wants to go to Italy with his husband to visit his grandma Marcel tells him about the surgical option and suggests Ahmad present
Ripley checks in with Hannah about her date and then there is a woman with a fractured wrist. Ripley asks Maggie to look at her. The woman refuses to let Maggie check her out and says her wrist is fine. She says her husband is depressed and won't get help so she pretended to hurt herself to get him to the ER.
Charles talks to the man who claims he said he was thinking about dying in his sleep but it didn't mean anything. He's lost weight because he's been dieting sinc being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He's been isolating but he says he's not suicidal so he doesn't want to waste Charles' time.
Ahmad says the insurance company rejected Vince's surgery. Marcel is disgusted by the way insurance denies things. However, they have to tell Vince.
Maggie asks Charles what he thinks. He says 50% of suicidal pateints deny it. Charles wants to talk to the wife and look at the patient's medical history. She will page Charles if the man insists on leaving.
Some woman comes storming in demanding to talk to Hannah, and bursts in on her exam. She says you went on a date with my husband last night.
Vince's hsuband says the tumor might havve grown because the insurance took 3 months to accept his treatment when he was first diagnosed. Vince refuses a feeding tube even though it means he may die soon. He says quality over time — he doesn't want a feeding tube.
In the hall Marcel says he will try to get the appeal expedited. It's worth a shot. Ahmad looks thoughtful.
Hannah convinces the woman she didn't know Kyle was married. The woman says how could he do this to me when I'm carrying his child? She goes into labor and refuses to let Hannah help her.
The woman is admitted and is having her baby right now. She insists that she will not have Hannah deliver her baby. Hannah tells her she has no choice.
Charles says he found no evidence of self-harm. However, he is not ready to discharge Paul. Sudden onset Type 2 diabetes, and he lost weight right away, maybe there's some other medical condition.
Peter is complaining that Ahmad went on social media to rant and she tagged Marcel. Marcel says he did not know she would do that. The hospital is trying to renegotiate a contract with the insurance company and they need to do damage control at the board meeting.
Marcel confronts Ahmad, who doesn't see what the big deal is when what he said was true. She says public shaming helps get companies moving. She wants to talk to a reporter. Marcel says he can't do that as a board member and that she had no regard for professional courtesy. Ahmad says but people shared their hellish experiences with Berenger.
There is a complication with the labor. The baby is stuck but thanks to Hannah's expertise is delivered safely.
Paul complains he had blood work that came back normal and he wants to go home. Charles wants to look at the stomach because in rare cases, sudden onset diabetes was caused by a growth in the pancreas. He wants to rule out pancreatic cancer.
The meeting begins and Peter insists on addressing the elephant in the room. He says that Marcel was misquoted. Marcel says that's not true and that Ahmad was trying to help the patient. It's time to fight back against insurance.
Charles introduces Washington, who is the head of oncology. Dr. Washington says they caught it very early and can remove the tumor after chemo. He says few doctors would jave connected the dots.
Hannah comes out and confronts Kyle who is shocked she knows who he really is. He claims she's the only woman he messaged and never planned to see her again. He was freaking out about becoming a dad. She says save your rationalizations for your wife. She thinks he'd better beg Tessa for forgiveness.
Ahmad has paged Marcel. Vince is vomiting blood.
Charles tells Pamela that the prognosis is good. She says her husband wants a divorce.
Marcel wants to place a tube temporarily to stop him from vomiting. He tells Vince the board voted to cover the costs of his surgery.
Maggie wonders why Paul insisted on divorce right now. CHarles thinks that Paul facing his mortality made him decide to go ahead with a divorce. Maggie starts crying. She tells Charles that she has her annual MRI today to see if her cancer has returned and she and Ben always did it together.
Marcel calls to Ahmad and asks about the interview. He says the board wants the interview to go away and they're making preauthorization a priority in the negotiating process. He tells her if you get along with management you can get invited to rooms where you can make an impact. She says she isn't sure she wants that kind of impact.
Hannah walks into the locker room where Ripley is changing and says she's deleting all dating apps. Ripley says she might miss out on meeting someone IRL.
Washington comes to see Sharon. She was about to call him. She needs a rain check tonight. She does want to tell people they are together. But she can't make it tonight.