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Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Episode 3 Recap: The Punch List

A man and woman are getting ready for their day. The wife is going on about the renovation and he seems to be thinking about something else and not paying attention to her. She wants him to pick up tile samples.  He doesn't want to. He says he's taking his friend Andy tonight.

The man is Dr. Ray Goldberh. He's a plastic surgeon and a woman is paying for surgery. He asks his assistant where to take Andy tonight. She gets him on the list on Galapagos, an exclusive club. Andy shows up and says he can't make it tonight.

Ray talks to his wife on the phone and sees Andy with his assistant. He decides to go to the club after all.

Ray finds some guys at his table and kicks them out but then says he can share with them.  He orders a bottle of vodka.

Benson meets Gomez, who is transferred to SVU. She tells Gomez that things are more comploicated than right or wrong.

Ray wakes up naked in a messy room and has no idea what happened. He finds his clothes and runs away, seeming disoriented. He's in a bad neighborhood, ltos of graffiti as he stumbles down the sidewalk.

Meanwhile, Benson stares at the board and recalls seeing Maddie. She said the Feds don't know this guy. Velasco says he can talk to Amtrak and Greyhound.

A woman comes in to talk to Benson. She wants to report a rape. She was an escort. She says she wasn't raped. She was the rapist.

The guys think there's confusion. Benson says let's talk to her.

The woman says she was hired to service two guys — consensual. She saw a guy in another room who looked like her dad, like he didn't belong.  The young guys said they wanted to treat him to the night of his life. They saw he had Viagra or something like that and she didn't feel right. She didn't want to do it. He was incapacitated. One of the guys put a gun to her head and she did what they told her to. Benson tells her she didn't rape any one. She was raped.

Benson gets a call from Maddie's mother. She rushes off. Mrs. Flynn says she found her husband hanging from Maddie's bedroom. The doctors are working on him. Benson says she'll be there for him.

Benson calls Fin and says she needs a personal day. She wants to take Mrs. Flynn home

Meanwhile, Fin and Bruno talk to the manager of the building where Ray/Tess were raped. They find his to-do list on the floor.

Bruno and Fin go to talk to Ray. They question him about last night. They tell his wife that they're canvassing the neighborhood. They take Ray outside and question him. Ray says he drank with two nerdy guys he didn't know.  They tell him that a guy matching his description was assaulted last night. His wife interrupts and he goes.

The cops talk to Carisi. They say that Ray's bank statements show that he spent a lot of money last night. Carisi thinks they need to remind Ray that Tess is a victim. (For some reason it doesn't occur to them he might have been drugged.)

The cops go to see Ray and tell him Tess confessed to rape and that the DA wants to prosecute her.

Ray goes into a convenience store with the cops and he recognizes Ray as having come in with the perps. There was a security camera.

The cops look at security footage with Ray.  Ray recalls one guy had a skin condition. He recalls meeting them in the VIP booth. A woman who works at the club says she doesn't have to talk to oppressors and the cops threaten to search for cocaine if she doesn't cooperate.

Valesco confronts one of the perps, who is grooming a dog, and the other one is arrested in the middle of giving a tour of the city.

Eileen finds out her husband is going to be okay. Is it her fault? Benson tells her she has to take care of herself. While Eileen is resting, Benson goes into Maddie's room. She cuts down the belt and looks at a music box that belonged to Maddie.

One of the perps claims that Ray had a bad marriage and they were just trying to help him have a great night. He's surprised to hear they know about Tess. Fin claims they don't believe everything.

The other guy says he doesn't have a gun. He claims they did the guy a favor and that Ray was on a mission and they were just along for the ride.

Carisi thinks these guys are just idiots. Bruno and Fin say these guys might believe they did the right thing, which will make them hard to proescute. Carisi wonders how they know Tess isn't involved.

Tess asks if the older guy remembers what happened. What kind of trouble is she in? She's worried about Ray not backing her up.

Carisi says he needs Ray to remember and do something.

Ray says Denise went to her sister's and blew a gasket when learning what happened.

The cops tell him they need more. They need him to testify. He doesn't want them to get away with what they did. But he can't shake up Denise's life anymore. He wishes he followed the list his wife gave him.

Bruno and Fin have arranged a sting with Ray going to the club to apologize to the guys for them getting jammed up.

Ray is afraid his marriage won't survive.

The perps say he has one drink to explain. He blames Tess. There may be a problem: there's Denise. She asks where Andy is. Fin keeps saying give Ray the chance to handle this. Ray takes Denise aside and informs her he is undercover and that he wants to sleep in the same bed tonight.

The guys tell Ray not to worry about the gun. There was no gun. It was just a starter pistol. A fake gun, a prank. The cops move in. (They don't fake arrest Ray, who leaves)

Denise has a refused to go home and says the guys messed with the wrong dermatologist. Ray says it's the best night of his life, but it's over, right? They have to make a deal.

Reese's lawyer calims there's no case. He doesn't understand what the big deal is when the gun was fake. Carisi tell shim to testify against Duvall or go to prison for five years.

Carisi tells Duvall that Reese cut a deal and now they have a case against Duvall. Duvall insists he did nothing wrong.

Benson is almost sorry she missed the undercover op. Fin asks if she's okay.

Tess feels guilty that she complied when the gun was fake. Benson reassures her it isn't her fault.

Benson looks in the mirror in the elevator.  She is going to see a therapist who does EMDR. While she's waiting, she fingers her compass necklace.

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