There are few shows that hook me on the pilot episode, but Fairly Legal may be one of them. For me, the trick is to combine great characters with an interesting premise that will make me want to come back for more.
I think Fairly Legal has done that.
I’ve never been a huge fan of law shows, but a mediator is more interested in the people and their stories than the law, so I find the show’s premise satisfying. I’m also quickly falling for these characters.

Sarah Shahi is Kate Reed. I liked Sarah on the NBC series Life and I find her even more appealing here. The actress is fun to watch and her character is smart, funny, gorgeous, and just flawed enough to be truly interesting. Kate is the anti-lawyer surrounded by lawyers.
Her ex, Justin, is played by Michael Trucco. I enjoyed Michael’s stint on Castle last year. I’m glad he’s sticking around this time. Kate and Justin have a complicated relationship (we’re divorced but still having great sex!).
Kate appears to be the one holding all the cards here. Justin seems desperate to get her back. I can’t wait to see how far he’s willing to go and to find out what broke them up in the first place. Perhaps it has something to do with him being an assistant district attorney and her jumping ship on the law profession.
Despite Kate’s Wicked Witch of the West ringtone for her step-mother Lauren, I’m thrilled they haven’t made her a caricature. Lauren and Kate may not get along, but Lauren is fighting to save the law firm.
Speaking of ring tones, I love the Wizard of Oz theme Kate uses. Where can I get these? They also had the added benefit of quickly telling me what Kate thinks of the people in her life. Her late father was The Wizard. Her ex is the Tin Man. (Is he really missing a heart?) Her poor brother is the Scarecrow, replete with a ring tone that sings “if I only had a brain.” It’s both funny and insightful.
Leonardo, Kate’s assistant/sidekick, looks like great fun. Using his Dungeons and Dragons connections to get information from friends inside the police force was inspired. And his prized possession is a Sarah Michelle Gellar inscribed Buffy the Vampire Slayer watch. I think I’m going to like Leo.
Finally, the show has my long time favorite, Gerald McRaney, as Judge Nicastro. I’m still not sure if the judge will be Kate’s nemesis or father figure, but McRaney never fails to make me happy.
They say characters are welcome on the USA network and they are obviously welcome on Fairly Legal. I’m looking forward to getting to know these people a whole lot better. How about you?