Leighton as Blair

Leighton Meester plays the dethroned social queen of the school, Blair Waldorf. How will she respond to her new role of the underdog?

OMFG Again!

OMFG. The ad campaign for Gossip Girl in the Spring of 2008 says it all, people. Wow. Chair (Chuck and Blair) is a seriously hot pair.

Blair Waldorf Photo

Say cheese, Blair Waldorf you're having your photo taken!

Blair Beams

Wonder if she's not preggers? Or if it's just not Chuck's? One or the other could spark some serious joy, no?


Blair appears to be serving mimosas at her essay writing bash. Which seems absurd, but it's Blair Waldorf -- how surprised can you really be?

Remember After the Ball?

Nate is all over Blair in the pool, but she's playing it cold ... if Chuck gets pissed, he might tell his best friend Nate that he bagged Blair first. This is her greatest fear.

Oh $h!t!

Blair and Nate react as a kid at the pool hits his dome and falls into the pool, where he nearly drowns. This scandal sets off a firestorm in which Nate gets suspended when he tries to cover for Blair, who he thinks threw the party.

Swimming Blair

Needless to say, Blair Waldorf is a cutie... and wrapped up in her world of problems. Here, she doesn't want Nate to hit on her because Chuck will be pissed and spill the beans.

You Go Down!

Blair takes down Roman, who she blames for taking her dad away. Fortunately, she comes around when she realizes he's a nice guy - and that her father still loves her very much.

Blair and Eleanor Waldorf

Blair and Eleanor Waldorf actually got along for the most part in this Christmas episode. Even more strangely, they bonded with Harold and his boyfriend, Roman, as well.

Ice Queen

Blair wants to be treated like a queen by her father... so when he shows up with his French lover, Roman, you know it's not going to sit well with this teenager. She responds in kind.

Queen B

"Queen B" or "Blair Bear" is not often warm and funny - Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) is not thrilled with her skating outing with father Harold and his lover Roman, and she is going to fight back against this perceived injustice.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.