Lily Learns

Lily van der Woodsen (Kelly Rutherford) finally sees the error of her ways and wants for Serena what she decided she didn't want and now regrets - her true love, a Humphrey man.

Serena, Lily, Eric

Serena, Lily and brother Eric bond over some fries. Now if that's not a Thanksgiving tradition, I don't know what is.

Lily Listens

And Mrs. van der Woodsen is not entirely pleased at what she hears as Rufus and Allison have unknowingly invited her to an awkward Thanksgiving.

The Adult Party

Rufus and Lily chat with Blair's mom. The evening didn't end well for Rufus, did it?

Julie vs. Lily

Eventually, we saw a softer side of Julie Cooper. Will the same thing happen with Lily van der Woodsen?

Past Lovers

Lily and Rufus used to get it on. Well, at least once that we know of.

Mother and Daughter

Cate is seen here with her daughter. The character is distressed to learn, in the pilot, that Lux has grown up in foster homes.


Ted and Parkman confront Mr. Bennet

The Wedding Party

Flanked by bridesmaids and groomsmen, Kate Walsh and Alex Young celebrate their wedding day. For the couple, September 1, 2007, will always remain in their hearts.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.