Sheldon Goes Rock Climbing

Sheldon attempts to befriend Kripke in order to use his super computer at work. As a result, Sheldon is forced to go rock climbing and isn't too happy with the height.

Wolowitz Teaches Sheldon

Wolowitz teaches Sheldon Mandarin so he can correctly order his Chinese food to make sure he gets tangerine instead of orange chicken. Makes sense to us.

Penny and the Boys

Penny tries to organize a surprise party for Leonard with his friends Sheldon, Howard and Raj.

Penny and Sheldon Shopping

Penny makes Sheldon go to a computer store to pick out a gift for Leonard for his birthday but he ends up very distracted.

Sheldon and Missy

A picture of Sheldon and his twin sister Missy (Courtney Henggeler) who definitely seems to have gotten the looks of the family.

Leonard in the Time Machine

The guys gather round Leonard as he sits in his time machine which arrive. The time machine is, of course, the prop from the 1960 movie that he bought off ebay.

Morlocks Attack Sheldon

Sheldon has a nightmare in which the Morlocks attack him when he uses his time machine from the 1960 movie.

The Boys Gather Round Leonard

The boys gather around Leonard as he gets the winning bid on the time machine from the 1960 movie <i>The Time Machine</i>.

Sheldon and Wolowitz

Even Wolowitz becomes jealous of the 15 year old prodigy Dennis Kim in the episode of The Big Bang Theory, "The Jerusalem Duality."

Leonard, Sheldon and Dennis

Leonard and Sheldon stand behind the 15-year-old science prodigy Dennis Kim (Austin Lee), who is about to prove to the guys he's smarter than them.

The Guys Meet Dennis Kim

Leonard and Sheldon meet Dennis Kim, a 15 year old childhood prodigy that makes them question their intelligence, especially Sheldon.

Sheldon Runs Some Tests

Being the little nut job that he is, Sheldon runs a few tests after Penny comes back from Nebraska with a cold.

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?