Demi Singleton as Sally Reeves - Lawmen: Bass Reeves

Demi Singleton as Sally Reeves in Lawmen: Bass Reeves streaming on Paramount+, 2023.

Forrest Goodluck as Billy Crow - Lawmen: Bass Reeves

Forrest Goodluck as Billy Crow in Lawmen: Bass Reeves streaming on Paramount+, 2023.

Bass Reeves on the Prairie

David Oyelowo as Bass Reeves in Lawmen: Bass Reeves streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Emerson Miller/Paramount+

FBI TRUE Paramount Plus Logo

Key Art for the Paramount Plus version of FBI True.

FBI TRUE-Child Abduction

Signs went up after teenage Hannah Anderson was kidnapped.

FBI TRUE-Working the Manhattan Manhunt

FBI Agents work together to catch the Chelsea bomber.

FBI TRUE- The Chelsea Bomber

The suspect set off a bomb, killing over 30 people.

FBI TRUE-Jimmy Lee Dykes

Jimmy Lee Dykes kidnapped a young boy off a school bus.

FBI True-The Beltway Snipers

Snipers chose their vicims randomly, giving the FBI false leads.

FBI True-Horror in Yosemite

Three women go missing at the national park.

FBI True-The Kidnapping of Hannah Anderson

The FBI hostage team tried to rescue a kidnapped teenager.

FBI True-The Boston Marathon

At the Boston Marathon, two bombs destroyed 30 runners and spectators.

P+ Quotes

Don’t get it twisted, this season of All Stars will be a game within a game. And a master class of survival. Rawr!


Silky Nutmeg Ganache: I just want to say that I’m so glad that we got the girls this season. That means a lot to me.
Kylie Sonique Love: We’ve always had the girls.
Silky Nutmeg Ganache: Okaaaay!