Andrea Russett as The Mystic

For Andrea Russett's role during Escape the Night Season 2, she has taken on the role of The Mystic.

Tarot Card Voting

The players of Escape the Night must secretly vote by selecting a tarot card of another player. Alison reads the selected players.

Liza Koshy as The Explorer

For Liza Koshy's role during Escape the Night Season 2, she takes on the role of the adventure-loving, Explorer.

Gabbie Hanna as The Vaudevillian

For Gabbie Hanna's role during Escape the Night Season 2, she has taken on the role of The Vaudevillian.

Check Mate

The players of Escape the Night Season 1 debate strategies as they try to solve a chess puzzle in the library.

Puzzle Box

Matt Haag, Lele Pons, and Oli White band together to solve a puzzle box that involves moving around a hidden cube.