The End of a Truce

The truce between Marie Laveau and the Salem witches may come to an end on American Horror Story: Coven.
Rating: Unrated

Crazy American Horror Story: Coven Poster

This is a poster for American Horror Story: Coven. Make of it of what you will.
Rating: Unrated

Vivien and Constance

Constance comforts Vivien in the mental hospital in this American Horror Story scene. But she has an agenda, of course.
Rating: Unrated

Ben at Work

Ben takes on a new patient on the episode "Piggy Piggy." The man could use some professional help himself.
Rating: Unrated

Lana's Plan

Will Lana's plan to close down Briarcliff be successful on the season finale of American Horror Story: Asylum? "Madness Ends" is the 13th episode of the show's second season.
Rating: Unrated

Old Moira Photo

This is the version of Moira that only the women see. You can see her right eye looks funny from where Constance shot her.
Rating: Unrated

What wil Monsignor Howard Do?

How far will Monsignor Howard go to silence Sister June on American Horror Story: Asylum? "Spilt Milk" is the 11th episode of the show's second season.
Rating: Unrated

Jessica Lange Promo Picture

Jessica Lange poses here for an FX promotional photo. She's been outstanding in the role of Sister Jude.
Rating: Unrated

Kit's Reunion

Dr. Thredson arranges a reunion with Kit on American Horror Story: Asylum. "The New Game" is the tenth episode of the show's second season.
Rating: Unrated

Jessica Lange as Sister Jude

Jessica Lange is rather intense as Sister Jude. This is a scene from American Horror Story: Asylum.
Rating: Unrated

Larry Harvey Photograph

Larry Harvey is known as "The Burned Man".
Rating: Unrated

Ben, Armed

Ben's past has come back to haunt him on American Horror Story. We mean that very literally.
Rating: Unrated