Discrimination Suit - Clarice Season 1 Episode 10

Ardelia helps Clarice briefly before leaving to participate in the Black Coalition's filing of a discrimination suit against the Bureau.

Worried Mother - Clarice Season 1 Episode 10

When Catherine goes searching for Buffalo Bill's mother, Ruth gives permission to Clarice to pursue her.

Finding Catherine -- Tall - Clarice Season 1 Episode 10

When Catherine disappears, Ruth calls Clarice for help in finding her.

Finding Catherine - Clarice

Clarice volunteers to find Catherine on Clarice. "Motherless Child" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.

Leaning on Informant - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Clarke believes in the old-school method of learning on potential informants.

Prickly Meeting - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Krendler has to pretend with Hudlin that he is still squashing any investigation of a conspiracy around the Reprisol drug trials.

Leaving the House - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Catherine overcomes her phobia and leaves her home to meet with her former boyfriend.

Important Documents - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Senior accountant Julie Lawson leaks financial documents about Reprisol to ViCAP.

Aborted Outing - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Bea helps Catherine warm up after Catherine attempted to leave her home.

Difficult Deception - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Krendler approves his team's secret investigation of the conspiracy behind the River Murders.

Discrimination Suit - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Ardelia is the driving force in the Black Coalition's discrimination suit against the FBI.

Potential Asset - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

Tyson Conway is the son of the owner of the pharmaceutical company behind the Reprisol drug trials.

Clarice Season 1 Quotes

Therapist: You were a survivor.
Clarice: To be a survivor, you have to be a victim. I was just doing my job.

I thought it was done.
