Difficult Witness -- Tall - Clarice Season 1 Episode 9

After ViCAP links the River Murders to a pharmaceutical company, Clarice seeks help from Julia Lawson, the corporate accountant for the company, who refuses to work with the FBI, and with Clarice specifically.

Difficult Witness - Clarice

After ViCAP links the River Murders to a pharmaceutical company, Clarice seeks help from Julia Lawson, the corporate accountant for the company, who refuses to work with the FBI, and with Clarice specifically.

Tightening the Screws - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Hudlin continues to offer Krendler his services as a divorce attorney while blackmailing him.

Esquivel's Connection - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Esquivel finds a way to get a quick and quiet autopsy of a recent suicide victim.

Temporarily in Charge - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

With Krendler out of personal business again, Clarke is in charge of ViCAP.

Uncomfortable Lunch - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Krendler suffers through an uncomfortable lunch with his lawyer and blackmailer Hudlin.

Checking New Lead - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Clarice and Esquivel check out a new lead tied to shady attorney Hudlin.

Making Hard Choices - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Krendler has to choose between his career and taking custody of his children from his alcoholic wife.

Having a Breakthrough - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Clarice is starting to make a breakthrough with Dr. Li when she wasn't busy investigating Joe Hudlin behind Krendler's back.

The Deceased's Sponsor - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Clarke grills Tyson Conway, the sponsor of deceased foreign student Carolina Savage.

DNA Sample -- Tall - Clarice Season 1 Episode 8

Krendler secretly collects a DNA sample from the man he suspects attacked Clarice at Woodhaven,

DNA Sample - Clarice

Krendler secretly collects a DNA sample from the man he suspects attacked Clarice at Woodhaven,

Clarice Season 1 Quotes

Therapist: You were a survivor.
Clarice: To be a survivor, you have to be a victim. I was just doing my job.

I thought it was done.
