Kreese and Silver Ponder Their Future - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 1

Cobra Kai Season 4 DVD extended scene screenshot.

Choosing Chozen - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Daniel has one more trick up his sleeve in an effort to take down Cobra Kai once and for all, Chozen.

Cobra Kai OGs Season 4 Episode 9

Kreese and Silver work together to build up Cobra Kai, but Kreese never saw the betrayal coming on the finale.

Humble Pie - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Daniel realizes that maybe he was wrong about some things and is willing to let bygones be bygones with Johnny

Miguel Heads to Mexico - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Miguel makes a spur of the moment plan to head to Mexico in search of his biological father on cobra kai

Stepping Down - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Miguel steps down from reigning champion of the All Valley after he gets hurt in teh middle of a move.

Tearful Hug - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Johnny is finally there to s upport Robby and Robby let's him when they have an overdue discussion with each other.

Battle of Principles - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Robby begins to realize that he doesn't agree with the things that Cobra Kai and Silver expect from him.

Tory's Surprised - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Tory is surprised when Sam starts doing moves that Tory cannot predict during their showdown in the tournament.

Sam's Fierce Moves - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Sam figures out her ideal style as a combination of what her father and Johnny have taught her on Cobra Kai.

Kenny to the Dark Side - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Kenny is officially on the dark side with Cobra Kai bringing out the worst in him much to Robby's chagrin.

Kreese Ephiphany - Cobra Kai Season 4 Episode 9

Kreese realizes the damage he's done and how much he genuinely cares about Johnny, but it's too late.

Cobra Kai Season 4 Quotes

Kreese: You can crash here as long as you want.
Robby: Look, this was a bad idea. I know Cobra Kai helped when I was getting jumped in juvie, but I'm not going to be a pawn in this bet that you made with my dad and Mr. LaRusso.
Kreese: I don't think of you as a pawn. I think of you as a king. Your father had all the talent in the world, but he squandered it. I gave him every opportunity to come back, but he chose Diaz, and he left you with that mark on your head. Trust me, you've got even more talent than your father. you just need to show it to the world.

Johnny: Ready. Let's begin!
Demetri: Begin what exactly?
Daniel: Begin a new era. Many of us used to be enemies, but rivalries don't need to last forever. The All-Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year the stakes are higher than they've ever been We know that Cobra Kai is going to use every dirty trick they can in the book. There's only one way we're going to be able to beat them--.
Johnny: By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves. We're going to take things to the next level. We're going to teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai throws at us. If they strike first, we're going to pre-strike.