Wisteria Lane Riot

Things turn ugly on the midseason finale of Desperate Housewives. Gaby is seen here, trying to save her daughter.

In the Middle of Chaos

You can make out Lynette in the center of this chaotic scene. It's courtesy of the 12/12/10 episode of Desperate Housewives.

Total Riot

A protest turns into a riot on the 12/12/10 episode of Desperate Housewives. Susan gets trapped in the middle.

Worried Gaby

Gaby looks mighty worried in this photo, doesn't she? It's a scene from "Pleasant Little Kingdom."

John Schneider on Desperate Housewives

John Schneider is seen here on the episode "Down the Block There's a Riot." It's the 12/12/10 episode of Desperate Housewives.

Bree on the Lane

Bree has a lot to react to on "Down the Block There's a Riot." It's the final episode of 2010.

Cynthia Waltros on Desperate Housewives

We've loved Cynthia Waltros since her time on Lost. The actress is seen here in the Desperate Housewives role of Tracy Miller.

Bree and Keith Smooch

Awww, look at Keith and Bree in this photo. Aren't these two just adorable?

Paul Young Pic

Spoiler warning: Paul Young will get shot on Desperate Housewives. But who will pull the trigger?

Paul Young Photo

Spoiler warning: Paul Young will get shot on Desperate Housewives. But who will pull the trigger?

A Special Dinner

Keith has special plans for Bree on the 12/5/10 episode of Desperate Housewives. Are we looking at a proposal?

Thanksgiving with Bree

It's Thanksgiving at Bree's house. As you might expect, the meal goes a bit awkwardly.