Bode and Diego have a drink at a bar - Fire Country

Bode and Diego have a drink at the bar after Bode gets released from prison and is at the local bar celebrating getting out earlier than expected.

Vince in normal clothes - Fire Country

Vince stands on the sidelines of the emergency call in regular clothes as he watches the crew work without being able to help them while on leave.

Sharon looks worried - Fire Country

Sharon stares up in the air at an emergency scene, a hand holding her fire hat on her head as she watches with worry at what is happening above her.

Sharon and Vince in church - Fire Country

Sharon and Vince are dressed nicely and stand in front of a stained glass window in a church as they attend the wedding of Gabriela and Diego.

Jake stares up - Fire Country

Jake is on an emergency call in full gear, talking to someone on his radio as he stares up at the building in front of him.

Gabriela treats a patient - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 10

Gabriela assists a patient on the curve while wearing her fire gear turnouts and looking worriedly at something in front of her during the emergency.

Fredy talks to Eve - Fire Country

Freddy sits at the table with Eve and Bode at the local bar in front of Bode's celebratory cake from getting out of prison early.

Freddy returns - Fire Country

Former Three Rock inmate firefighter Freddy returns to Edgewater to celebrate with Bode on getting released from prison before his scheduled sentence.

Eve in the audience - Fire Country

Eve sits in the audience at the Diego Gabriela wedding, waiting for the event to begin, dressed in a nice suit and tie.

Diego waits for his bride - Fire Country

Diego stands in his tuxedo, smiling next to the priest as he waits for Gabriela to walk down the aisle and marry him at their wedding.

Bode in an orange vest - Fire Country

After being released from prison, Bode wears an orange safety vest and stands in front of a dumpster that's on fire, with flames rising out of the can.

Bode rescues a boy. - Fire Country

Bode is picking up a young boy to get him to safety during an emergency call in front of a building that is undergoing construction for repairs.

Fire Country Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Eve: You're going to need these.
Bode: Couldn't have done it without you, Captain.
Dispatch: Vegetation fire. Three Rock.
Eve: What, you a little jealous?
Bode: A little bit.
Eve: Your ride's here.

Jake: Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Die?
Sharon: No. No, no, no, no. The procedure went great. And it's curative. I'm just -
Jake: Afraid he could die at work, because we all could at any minute on the job.
Sharon: That one.
Jake: Yeah. Gene is too. I mean, she tenses up every time that I leave for work. I don't know if I can keep leaving her.
Sharon: You're not thinking about quitting?
Jake: No, no, no, no. I was -- I don't know -- I was thinking more of the inspector route.
Sharon: Oh, okay. So Superman is going to become Clark Kent full time.