Fresh air - Gotham Season 2 Episode 16

Jim is enjoying the fresh air of Gotham near an ambulance.

Penguin's dad - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Paul Reubens plays Penguin's father, Elijah Van Dalh, who welcomes his new found son with open arms.

Pure sophistication - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Grace Van Dalh is looking quite stylish. Love her necklace and her hair. Is this Penguin's stepmom? What a 360 from Gertrud.

We are family - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

What a dashing family. I'm guessing this is Penguin's other family. But the big question is where's dad?

Prince Penguin - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Penguin's looking pretty nifty in his new outfit. Although, I didn't really mind him in the Arkham Stripes. Still, this seems to suit him and his new persona much better.

Just Ed - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Ed's on the case. He's looking pretty normal dressed up in a suit and all. Is he there to help or hinder Jim and the investigation?

It's a bomb - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Jim certainly has his hands full at the moment. Why is he holding what looks to be a bomb? Doesn't the GCPD have a bomb unit? Maybe Jim just wants to play hero...again.

Boss - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Barnes looks like he's about ready to scream out some new orders. Too bad there's no desk nearby for him to start shaking in frustration.

With a purpose - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Something's happened at the museum and Bullock and Gordon are on the case. How much fun is it that they go from investigating murders to investigating robberies? And Bullock's hat is better than Ed's.

In disguise - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Nygma has already crossed the point of no return. He's so paranoid now about Gordon investigating Ms. Kringle's disappearance that he's stalking around, well, stalking people. I love his hat, but I can still tell it's you, Ed.

Bathtime - Gotham Season 2 Episode 15

Peguin seems to be enjoying himself in the bathtub. It must be relaxing after his wild stint at Arkham. Where's his rubber ducky?

Do it - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Is this guy coming or going? Could he be challenging someone or going someplace private to take care of business?

Gotham Season 2 Quotes

From the first day on the job, you've been an insubordinate troublemaker.

Commissioner Loeb

The master will unleash hell upon you. Dark days are coming.
