Carly Shay Shopping - iCarly

Carly Shay in a cute outfit out shopping for things.

iCarly Spencer and the gang

Spencer with one of his pieces showing the rest of the gang.

iCarly Poster Revival

iCarly (2021) reboot promotional poster, featuring the main cast.

iCarly Logo

iCarly Logo for the 2021 reboot, starring Miranda Cosgrove, Nathan Kress, and Jerry Trainor.

Freddy with love interest iCarly

iCarly (2021). Freddy with a love interest, at a house party.

Freddy iCarly (2021)

iCarly (2021). Freddy speaking with a potential love interest.

iCarly Poster

Carly, Spencer and Freddie are back, navigating the next chapters in their lives and facing the uncertainties of life in their 20s

iCarly Quotes

By the way, you were so right! My type is totally hot and dumb. What a revelation! Do I need therapy? No, I'm good.


Carly: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Harper and Carly: Outfit Montage!
Carly: It's hurting my retinas. I feel like the lining of a really expensive casket. Too frilly. Too silly. Too racey. Too spacey. Too flirty. Too birdy!