John Locke

Does John Locke hold the key to Lost? Many viewers certainly believe so.
Rating: 2.3 / 5.0

Young Charles Widmore

Charles Widmore as a young man, back in 1954, as revealed in Season Five of Lost.
Rating: 2.2 / 5.0

John Locke Pic

John Locke remains one of the most compelling and intriguing characters on Lost to this day. He has now officially been reborn.
Rating: 2.0 / 5.0

Eloise Hawking

Eloise Hawking is the mother of Daniel Faraday, and the woman who helps the Oceanic Six return to the island in "316."
Rating: 2.0 / 5.0

Charlotte and Daniel

Charlotte Staples-Lewis and Daniel Faraday in "This Place is Death," from Season Five of Lost.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Sayid is Captured

Jin and Sawyer walk alongside a captured Sayid in this scene from the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Frank and Ilana

Frank and Ilana make their way around the island in this scene. It's taken from the episode "Sundown."
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

The Hostile Has Escaped

Sawyer (as LaFleur) inspects the cell where the hostile (Sayid) broke free in "Whatever Happened, Happened," the April 1, 2009 episode of Lost.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Terry O'Quinn as Locke

John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) becomes more compelling with each episode of Lost. Quite a feat after four seasons plus.
Rating: Unrated

As Richard Alpert

Nestor Carbonell is officially a series regular on season six of Lost. He plays Richard Alpert.
Rating: Unrated

As Ilana

Say hello to Zuleikha Robinson. As Ilana, she's a full-time cast member of Lost on season six.
Rating: Unrated

Flight 815 Passenger

Seen here on the season six premiere of Lost, Jack is alive and well on flight 815. Kind of. Sort of. He has a random cut on his neck.
Rating: Unrated

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom