Meeting Again

They meet again! Fake Locke knows Richard, from way back in the day. These two don't seem to get along.
Rating: Unrated

Jack and... Sayid?

Why do we add this question mark? Because it's unclear if Jack is helping the real Sayid.
Rating: Unrated

Handsome and Armed

Sawyer is reverting back to his season one form. He's one unhappy castaway in light of Juliet's death.
Rating: Unrated

Parallel Timeline

In 2004, Kate is holding a cabbie and Claire hostage. This is in a new, parallel timeline.
Rating: Unrated

Dead Body

Locke really is dead. At least for now. At least during this scene in "The Substitute."
Rating: Unrated


The episode "The Substitute" takes us into Locke's world in Sideways 2004. Yes, he's back - or still? - in a wheelchair.
Rating: Unrated

Hurley and Jack

Hurley and Jack have always had a good relationship. They are seen here, outside The Temple, in a scene from "Lighthouse."
Rating: Unrated


Lost fans first met Dogen on season six. But he's clearly an important figure on the island.
Rating: Unrated

Kate and Miles

Uh-oh! Kate and Miles don't look happy about what they are seeing in this photo from "Sundown.'
Rating: Unrated

Where is Jin?

Sun cares about one thing and one thing only on the final season of Lost: finding her husband.
Rating: Unrated


Sayid is the focus of the episode "Sundown." Viewers get a look into his sideways universe.
Rating: Unrated

Dogen Photo

What the heck is the deal with Dogen? Viewers will learn more about this new character on the 3/2/10 episode of Lost.
Rating: Unrated

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom