Dogen and Sayid

Dogen says Sayid is "infected" with a "darkness." It must not be contagious via human contact, however.
Rating: Unrated

Kate with Sayid

We're excited to learn more about Sayid in the episode "Sundown." He's always been an overlooked character.
Rating: Unrated

Kate Photo

Kate just loves her jungle adventures. She's focused on finding Claire during season six.
Rating: Unrated

Scared Sayid

It's rare to see a look of panic on Sayid's face. But he's freaked in this scene from "Sundown."
Rating: Unrated

Miles and Daddy

Is Dr. Chang aware that Miles is his son? If we had to guess, we'd say yes.
Rating: Unrated

Miles Pic

Viewers finally learned a lot about Miles in the episode "Some Liek It Hoth." Dude has serious daddy issues!
Rating: Unrated

Miles Photo

The Lost episode "Some Like it Hoth" was based entirely around Miles. We learned how he came to be on the island.
Rating: Unrated

Hugo Reyes

Hugo Reyes (Jorge Garcia), also known as Hurley, in "Whatever Happened, Happened," the April 1, 2009 episode of Lost.
Rating: Unrated

Run, Zoe

Late in series lore, Sheila Kelley came aboard Lost. She plays Zoe.
Rating: Unrated

Jin and Sawyer

Jin continues his search for Sun on the episode "The Package." This is a scene from it.
Rating: Unrated

Sawyer in Glasses

Sawyer looks all clean shaven and dons a pair of glasses in the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."
Rating: Unrated

Juliet and Amy

Juliet comes over to Amy while she lays in a hammock with her baby in the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."
Rating: Unrated

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom