Devil Face for Charlie - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Lucifer shows his devil face and finds out it's the only thing that calms down baby Charlie.

Rave Chloe Calling - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Chloe calls Lucifer from the rave, worried he is ghosting her all of the sudden.

Undercover Ladies Night Out - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Linda, Chloe, Maze, and Ella go undercover at a rave to try and find a murder suspect.

Amenadiel and Charlie - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Amenadiel looks at Charlie in surprise when Charlie calms down at the sight of the devil face.

Lucifer takes Jed Season 5 Episode 6

To put Jed in protective custody, Lucifer offers to take Jed with him back to the penthouse.

Jed in Penthouse - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Jed talks to Lucifer in the penthouse and is surprised to hear Lucifer is dating Chloe.

Ella and Chloe in the Lab - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Ella and Chloe comb through audio recordings of Jed's place for clues.

Jealous Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Lucifer is in disbelief at hearing about Jed and can't contain his jealousy.

Chloe at Jed's - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Chloe puts together some clues after the explosion at Jed's.

Dan and Amenadiel Dads - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Dan and Amenadiel bond over how hard fatherhood is, and make each other feel better.

Worried Amenadiel - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Amenadiel worries about his part in raising Charlie, concerned he can't be as good as Linda.

Jed Admiring Chloe - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6

Jed watches Chloe walk away at the crime scene, admiring his ex-girlfriend.

Lucifer Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Chloe: So, what do we have?
Ella: BlueBallz.
Lucifer: You too?

  • Permalink: BlueBallz
  • Added:

Ella: You two bow-chicka-wow-wow?
Chloe: No, no. We just kissed. And then guess what? You called, so here we are.