Bird Sighting

Yikes! Mitchell reacts to a bird sighting in this scene from the Modern Family season finale, "Family Portrait."

Cameron Sings

Cameron as a wedding singer? We love it! This scene takes place on the Modern Family season finale.

Kiss Cam Alert

Awkward jumbotron alert! Gloria and Phil get featured here at the Lakers game... on the Kiss Cam!

Hawaii Trip

Mitchell and Cameron are trying to enjoy their Hawaii vacation. But they run into a few bumps along the way.

Manny and Luke

This sums up Manny and Luke very well. The former is grounded and mature. The latter... is not.

Family In Hawaii

The entire family arrives here in Hawaii. Claire is okay, don't worry. She's just drink.

Making Jay Laugh

Cameron always knows how to push Jay's buttons. He does so in this scene from the 5/5/10 episode, "Airport."

The Pritchetts

The Pritchetts run into problems on their way to Hawaii. Jay doesn't seem happy about what's happening to his family.

Fortunate Phil

Phil is a very lucky man. Someone else at the airport seems to recognize this during the episode "Airport."

Airport Scene

It's off to Hawaii for the entire Modern Family on 5/5/10. First, though, they must get through the airport.

Gloria, in Trouble

Uh-oh. Gloria runs into some security problems at the airport as she tried to board a plane for Hawaii.

Cameron and Lily Photo

Cameron and Lily are on their way to Hawaii, along with the entire clan. But first this father, daughter and everyone else must actually get through the airport.

Modern Family Season 1 Quotes

Yes, I've gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby... but that's science. You can't fight it.


If Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours?
