Jody and Jesse Hunting for Souls - Preacher Season 3 Episode 3

Jody rides Jesse around looking for souls like they used to do. Jesse's not having any luck.

Tulip Confronts God - Preacher Season 3 Episode 3

God pulls Tulip over on the road and she tells him off. He gets angry.

Risking Their Safety - Preacher

Tulip and Cassidy risk their safety for their plans on Preacher. "Gonna Hurt" is the third episode of the show's third season.

Herr Star Kills Krishnas - Preacher Season 3 Episode 2

The Krishnas refuse to accept Humperdoo as their Messiah, so Herr Star and the white suit gang kill them all.

Grandma and Her Minions - Preacher Season 3 Episode 2

Grandma, TC, and Jody working together to prepare to make someone pay for not paying up.

Jesse Checks on Tulip - Preacher Season 3 Episode 2

Jesse is so happy that Tulip is alive and he tells her so. He visiting her in her room to see how she's doing.

Cassidy Talk to Tulip - Preacher Season 3 Episode 2

Tulip is recovering from her recent death and Cassidy is checking on her. He's asking her if she remembers anything.

Desperate to Escape - Preacher

Jesse is desperate to escape Angelville on Preacher. "Sonsabitches" is the second episode of the show's third season.

Cassidy Doing Errands - Preacher Season 3 Episode 1

Cassidy is in Angelville with Jesse and Tulip. He's been sent out to pick up the ingredients needed to bring Tulip back to life.

Jesse in Angelville - Preacher Season 3 Episode 1

Jesse is in Angelville with Tulip's corpse, searching for Grandma.

Bringing Tulip Back - Preacher Season 3 Episode 1

Tulip is dead and Jesse has asked his Grandma for help. She's doing her magic over Tulips body to bring her back from the dead.

Grandma in Angelville - Preacher Season 3 Episode 1

With Tulip dead, Jesse travels to Angelville to ask Grandma for her help bringing Tulip back from the dead.

Preacher Season 3 Quotes

Jesse: What happened?
Cassidy: You played God. You let her die, rather than be like me.

TC: Sew her up now, Miss Marie?
Grandma: No. Strap her in the machine.