The Devil Attacks

The Devil attacks by simply using some sort of foce. Meanwhile, another demon stands back in shock awaiting her turn.

A Demon Attacks Sam

A demon is about to kill Sam as he attempts to talk to Alan. Just who sent these demons after poor Sam?

Sam Tries to Talk to Alan

Sam does his best to talk to Alan (Sean Patrick Thomas) about how he escaped Hell, but unfortunately there's a bit of a trust issue here.

Sam and the Vessel

Sam holds the latest vessel, which is a spear, and stands up to the Mongolian warrior in the back of a Vietnamese restaurant. Makes sense to us!

Reaper Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Well, I'll try to watch your back, buddy. But you know, you got to remember I'm a busy guy. It's an election year

Devil [to Sam]

Sam: Maybe you guys should cover the other exit.
Sock: Cover the exit with what? Our spines?