The Odd Couple - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

The snow is out, the sun is shining, and the air is filled with crisp maple. It's a beautifully picturesque scene, and yet something seems off for both Archie and Cheryl to be on this date.

Are You Serious? - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Veronica and Kevin gossiping is nothing new in Riverdale High. But Veronica can't believe what she's just heard. What could be the latest news?

Lonely Lounge - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Poor Ethel. The past drama with Chuck messed with her mind, but at least with the changing news, hopefully things have turned out better for her since we last saw her.

Two Different Worlds - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

After the Chuck football scandal, it's nice to see Veronica and Ethel spending some time together. It's not something I would've expected, but there must be a reason these two are together.

The Plight Of Pearls - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Veronica is not handling the situation well. Whatever bad news she's just heard, it's a devastating secret that is breaking her heart.

BFF Support - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Betty and Veronica are the picture of best friend support. It's great to see them comfort each other and show them support in tough moments.

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall Season 1 Episode 9

Veronica looks dazed and confused. She's zoning out into her own reflection. What could be making her act this way?

Why Is Archie Not Impressed? - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Our favorite boy next door looks anything but excited sitting at his desk, Is it something someone said or is the class just dull?

Class In Session - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

It's a long day of class, conversation and...chips. Of course Jughead would be eating in the middle of class!

Head Of The Class - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Betty is looking smart and studious in her element. She's ready to take on whatever challenge is heading her way.

Ethel Returns - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

The quiet Riverdale High classmate is making her return after the football team scandal. What latest adventure will she be getting the group involved in next?

Date Night - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9

Isn't this a pretty picture? Archie and Cheryl are together for a Blossom family event. Will sparks fly or is this merely a ruse?

Riverdale Season 1 Quotes

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!


Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
