The Blossom Church - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 13

Penelope Blossom has started a new church in town and Cheryl has fallen under its spell. Is the church a safe space?

A New Start - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 13

Reggie is starting a new phase in his life now that he's no longer working as Hiram's second-in-command.

The Test - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 13

Veronica Lodge isn't ready to dismiss Reggie's good intentions just yet. She's going to put him through the test.

Cheryl Asks For Help - Riverdale

Cheryl asks for help with her maple groves on Riverdale. "Chapter Ninety: The Night Gallery" is the 14th episode of the show's fifth season.

Protoge - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Reggie Mantle wants to become the next Hiram Lodge. As Hiram's closest minion, he's learning how to get ahead in his career.

Flirting With Disaster - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Hermione didn't know what life would be as she started her epic romance with Hiram Lodge. How was she affected during their past?

Moustache - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Mark Consuelos with a mustache? This is a pleasant treat that we needed for a flashback episode on Riverdale.

Origin Story - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

How did Hiram Lodge become the crime lord he is today? What turned him evil? What was life like before him becoming a villain?

Palladium - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Why do Hiram Lodge and Reggie want the palladium? There must be a reason why they're going through all that trouble for the mineral.

Jailed - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Hiram Lodge has spent his fair share behind bars as a crime lord. Why was he handcuffed as a teenager?

School Crush - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Hiram Lodge was in a high school romance with Hermione, long before either of them before the dynamic divorcees they are now.

Businessman - Riverdale Season 5 Episode 12

Hiram Lodge is a keen businessman who will do anything to achieve his goals and make a profit regardless of how.

Riverdale Season 5 Quotes

Why does every one of our dances turn into a Jamie Lee Curtis movie?!


Veronica: Early morning run, Archiekins?
Archie: I’ve got my physical for the naval academy this week.
Veronica: Well, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t be impressed by my teenaged Thor.