Sam And Dean Fighting Crime - Supernatural

Sam and Dean are willing to work together on a multitude of cases but it's the various identities they have gone with over the years which makes them the best siblings on TV.
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Supernatural The Musical - Supernatural

They had an entire musical written about their brotherly bond. I am pretty sure this alone makes them top billing as the best siblings currently on TV. Who else has had a musical written about them?
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Sam And Dean Christmas - Supernatural

Remember when Sam was excited for Christmas but was quickly disappointed when he found out their dad wasn't going to be there? Dean took it upon himself to get Sam a gift -- though he stole it but it's still the thought that counts.
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Sam Without A Soul - Supernatural

Many siblings would generally peace out if they found out their brother or sister didn't have a soul, but Dean stood by Sam and made sure he was able to get his soul back. Did it cause Sam to go insane when the walls fell down? Yes, but Dean's heart was in the right place.
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Dean Doesn't Judge Sam For Being Sensitive - Supernatural

It's been a running joke for the past thirteen seasons of Sam being the more sensitive one of the two. While Dean gives Sam a hard time he still lets Sammy hold on to who he truly is.
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They Aren't Afraid To Show Emotion - Supernatural

Sam and Dean are never afraid to show how much they care about each other especially when one of them comes back from the dead. You can always count on these brothers to hug it out.
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Sam And Dean Are Just The Best - Supernatural

Sam and Dean are the best because despite all the doom and gloom they go through they can still find ways to enjoy themselves. They'll never give up on each other and they will continue hunting monsters until the world is ready to say goodbye to Sam and Dean Winchester. Let's hope it's not too soon!
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Castle's Badge - Supernatural

There's just something so incredibly innocent about Castiel when he first goes on a mission with Dean, especially when Dean has to turn Castiel's badge ride side up because Cas has it done all wrong.
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Castiel In Hospital - Supernatural

Castiel disappearing when things get too loud never ceases to make all the more relatable as a character. Who wouldn't want to pop in and out of places at will?!
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Sister Jo - Supernatural

When Supernatural season 14 begins, Sister Jo is still out there offering her healing.
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Michael Meets Jo - Supernatural

Sister Jo is shocked to learn Michael is now roaming the earth.
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Michael Has Style - Supernatural

Michael is on a mission to form the world the way he feels it should be. Will he make enemies along the way?
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Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
